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  • EU funded projects

    Campus der Universität Bielefeld
    © Universität Bielefeld

European Research Council

  • Image of Professor Doctor Barbara Hammer, Faculty of Technology, Machine Learning
    © Sarah Jonek

    Secure drinking water supply

    Computer scientist Prof. Dr. Barbara Hammer from Bielefeld University and three other European researchers investigate how to guarantee drinking water supplies with artificial intelligence in the project "Smart Water Futures: Designing the Next Generation of Urban Drinking Water Systems" (Water Futures). The project is funded by the ERC as a Synergy Grant.

  • Image of Professor Doctor Martina Hofmanová, Faculty of Mathematics
    © Sarah Jonek

    Influence of randomness on turbulence

    How do flows in fluids change due to random influences? This is what a research group led by Prof. Dr. Martina Hofmanová from the Faculty of Mathematics is analysing in the project "Mathematical analysis of fluid flows: the challenge of randomness" (FluFloRan). The project is funded by the ERC as a Starting Grant.

  • Image of Professorin Doctor Minh Nguyen, Faculty of Sociology
    © Mike-Dennis Müller

    Labour and Welfare in the Global South

    How is welfare changing in emerging economies of the Global South? A team led by Prof. Dr. Minh Nguyen from the Faculty of Sociology is looking into this in the project "Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers: Moral Struggles and Politics of Care under Market Socialism" (Welfare Struggles). The project is funded by the ERC as a Starting Grant.

  • Image of Professorin Droctor Elena Esposito, Faculty of Sociology
    © Michael Adamski

    Effects of algorithm predictions

    What do algorithms and their predictions cause in society? This question is being investigated by a research group led by Professor Dr. Elena Esposito from the Faculty of Sociology in the project "The Future of Prediction: The Social Consequences of Algorithmic Forecast in Insurance, Medicine and Policing" (PREDICT). The project is funded by the ERC as a Advanced Grant.

  • Image of Professor Doctor Benjamin Kiesewetter
    © Universität Bielefeld/M.-D.-Müller

    Understanding normative judgements

    How can normativity be explained from a philosophical perspective? In the context of this question, a multidisciplinary research group led by Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kiesewetter from the Faculty of Philosophy is investigating the normative core concept of reason in the project "REASONS F1RST - The Structure of Normativity". The project is funded by the ERC as a Starting Grant.

  • Image of Professor Doctor Benjamin Gess
    © Universität Bielefeld/M. Adamski

    The impact of randomness on chaos

    How can we use mathematics to capture and describe complex systems that seem to be driven by randomness? How, for example, can we translate an economic system in which people interact with each other into a mathematical system? How can we describe the fact that even the slightest fluctuations can lead to major changes in climate dynamics? Stochastician Professor Dr Benjamin Gess from the Faculty of Mathematics is researching these and related questions. The project is funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant.

  • Picture of the person: Prof. Dr. Cora Uhlemann
    © Newcastle University

    New insights into the universe

    (Galaxy) surveys as a laboratory for fundamental physics? That's possible if the right theory is combined with weak gravitational lenses. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Cora Uhlemann, a research programme is dedicated to extraordinary cosmic large-scale structures and aims to provide insights into particle physics, the early universe, gravity and astrophysics. The ERC is funding the project with the Starting Grant.

  • Picture of the person: Dr. Céline Miani
    © privat

    Research into gynaecological violence

    How does violence manifest itself in obstetrics and gynaecological care? Which population groups are particularly frequently exposed to gynaecological violence and what consequences are associated with it? This is what health scientist Dr Céline Miani is investigating in the research project GYNVEPI (Toward an epidemiology of gynaecological violence), which the ERC is funding with the Starting Grant.

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