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Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften

AG 3: Epidemiologie & International Public Health 

© Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Gesundheitsämter gegen Rassismus: Gesundheitsschutz als Beitrag zum gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt

Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt: Institutionen und Rassismus

In the sub-project „Gesundheitsämter gegen Rassismus: Gesundheitsschutz als Beitrag zum gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt“ within a larger consortium that considers racism in public offices and is funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, we want to investigate whether racism exists in infection protection, especially in the German “Gesundheitsamt”, to what extent it hinders people to access equal health protection, and how that discrimination can be reduced. For analyzing the relationship between health protection and racism, the project will focus 1) on the groups who are confronted with health/infection protection and how these groups are categorized, 2) what groups of people are monitored by the state for infection protection, and 3) how already discriminated people deal with the consequences of being treated differently and how that affects their future utilization of health protection. For those purposes, we want to conduct heterogenous as well as homogenous focus groups with people working in health protection/infection and people belonging to marginalized and discriminated minorities. After that, we want to analyze the obtained data using the approach of Transformational Grounded Theory in interpretative focus groups. The use of exploratory research should help to get an overview of the role of racism in the mechanisms of local-, state- and nationwide health protection and builds the fundament of practical classes about “un-learning racism” for people working in public health services in cooperation with the “Akademie für öffentliches Gesundheitswesen”.

Project duration

2022 – 2024

Project funding

Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community

Project management/ Staff

Prof. Dr. Oliver Razum

Diana Podar

Previous project staff

Dr. Julia Zielke

Dr. Lisa Wandschneider

Theresa Altmiks

Sigsten Stieglitz

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