International Track means that the curriculum of this degree programme can be studied entirely in German or entirely in English within the standard period of study. The required language skills to gain access to the degree programme in question can also be found in the subject-specific regulations. Under certain circumstances, certain profiles or compulsory optional modules must be studied in order to complete the International Track; this may limit the study options available.
Overview of the International Tracks offered in the Master's programme
While English-language degree programmes are offered exclusively in English, not all courses on a degree programme with an international track are offered in English. However, it is possible to study the curriculum entirely in English within the standard period of study, albeit with limited options.
Double degree programmes offer the opportunity to study in two countries and obtain two degrees. The language of instruction depends on the respective partner universities. International tracks, on the other hand, are based entirely at Bielefeld University and enable students to obtain their degree in English without having to change countries.
The Master's degree programmes with an international track can be studied either entirely in German or entirely in English. However, this does not mean that every course is offered in both German and English. For example, it may not be possible to study a certain profile in English, or a certain English-language seminar may not be offered every semester. It is therefore important to seek advice and develop an individual study plan together with the relevant persons to contact in the Faculty.
English-language courses are labelled "Course taught in English" in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv). The persons to contact in the Faculty will help you find the right courses.
This is handled differently at each Faculty. You can find out whether there is an additional certificate in your chosen degree programme with an international track by contacting the relevant persons to contact at the Faculty.
English-language Master's degree programmes can only be studied entirely in English. These degree programmes are not available in German.
Overview of the Master's degree programmes offered in English
Participation in a double-degree programme at Bielefeld University involves studying at Bielefeld University and at one of the partner universities listed below. Students participating in the double-degree programme complete their studies at both universities and will receive a degree from each university at the end of their studies. This means that two academic degrees are awarded upon graduation, one from Bielefeld University and one from the respective partner university. The language of instruction depends on the respective partner university.
The subjects "German as a Foreign and Second Language" (Bachelor) and "German as a Foreign Language and German Studies" (Master) prepare students for work in an international environment. The same language requirements apply here as for all other German-language degree programmes.