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  • Plant Biochemistry and Physiology


    © Universität Bielefeld

Student projects

We are involved in teaching at both the bachelor level (bachelor programmes Biologie and Molekularbiologie) and the master level (international master programmes Molecular Cell Biology, Genome-Based Systems Biology and Bioinformatics and Genome Research). Students interested in our research are encouraged to contact Prof. Dr. Karl-Josef Dietz or his coworkers. You may just ask questions, visit the lab or do a project in the Bachelor study or Masters programme. Students are always welcome to apply for bachelor, master or PhD positions in our group!

If you are interested in writing your bachelor or master thesis in our group, it is recommended to take part in a Projektmodul or Forschungsmodul. There, you work on a current science project under the guidance of an experienced co-worker. You will be given the opportunity to learn more about techniques, the science project, our group and life in a scientific laboratory, and we will have the opportunity to get to know you. Within this project, you will be assigned to a sub-project tailored to the available time frame. The Projektmodul or Forschungsmodul will earn you 10 credits, and can be combined with the subsequent bachelor or master thesis.

The "Research" section on our website offers an overview of the topics at the Department of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology that are available. Ideally, you should inform yourself about the scientific topics available and find out what you are most interested in before contacting us. The current topics for bachelor and master theses vary depending on the state of research. Details can be discussed in a personal interview with Prof. Dr. Karl-Josef Dietz. For a Projektmodul, you should enroll in one of our courses and contact Dr. Andrea Viehhauser by mail.

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