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30.01.2024 - Prof. Dr. Priska Daphi in ARD/ttt – titel, thesen, temperamente zu den Protesten gegen Rechts

In der Sendung ttt – titel, thesen, temperamente (ARD) im Beitrag "Hält die Branmauer?" wurde Prof. Priska Daphi zu den Auswirkungen der aktuellen Proteste gegen Rechts befragt. 

Sie finden hier die Sendung.

25.01.2024 - Special issue “Climate Activism” published in Social Movement Studies edited by Priska Daphi and Cristina Flesher Fominaya

A special issue on “Climate Activism” was just published in Social Movement Studies. It was edited by Priska Daphi (Bielefeld University) and Cristina Flesher Fominaya (Aarhus University)

The special issue is available here.

11.01.2024 - Special issue “Climate Activism” published in Social Movement Studies edited by Priska Daphi and Cristina Flesher Fominaya

15.11.2023 - Call for papers, special issue "How Protests and Counterprotests Interact: Mutual Influences, Context Conditions and Consequences”

21.03.2023 - Priska Daphi in Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Deutschen Stiftung Friedensforschung berufen

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