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Elena Esposito is Professor of Sociology at Bielefeld University and the University of Bologna. A leading figure in sociological systems theory, Esposito has published extensively on the theory of society, media theory, memory theory and the sociology of financial markets.Her current research projects focus on a sociology of algorithms.

A full CV can be downloaded here.


Alberto Cevolini is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Constance (2010-12), he was visiting professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana of Mexico City (2016) and visiting professor at Bielefeld University (2019-20). Cevolini has published on social systems theory, intellectual history and sociology of insurance. His current research projects focus on a sociological theory of insurance.

A full CV can be downloaded here.

Paola Angelini is an epidemiologist working at the Public Health Department of Emilia-Romagna Region where she has a position on environment and health. She has conducted studies on the health effects of air pollution exposure and on the epidemiology of vector borne diseases. She has participated in many projects funded by national or international competitive calls and has co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed papers. From2009 to 2016 she was teacher of statistics in public health at the degree programme in Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques of University of Bologna.

A full CV can be downloaded here.

Vincenzo D'Angelo graduated as a nurse and has worked in Italian Switzerland for 16 years in various fields from acute care to psychiatry and addiction. He became interested in sociology, which he found to be very affinitive to work in the health sector, and began his studies at the University of Urbino (Italy). In 1998 he started teaching, and since 2006 he has been working at SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences, Economic, Health and Social Department) in Lugano, Switzerland, where he is currently active as Senior Lecturer and Researcher. In 2018 he obtained a PhD in Sociology at the University of Bologna, and since 2019 he is Visiting Professor at the University of Turin (Italy). His topics are, Sociology of Health, applied to health professions, articulated in different directions: the impact of ICT in health organizations and professions, social and youth distress, addictions, interprofessional and intercultural approach.

A full CV can be downloaded here.

Simon Egbert is sociologist, currently working on the sociotechnical relations of predictive practices in general and of predictive policing in specific. He received his PhD at Universität Hamburg in 2018 with a dissertation on drug testing, discussing the relationship of discourse and materiality. He was postdoctoral fellow at Technische Universität Berlin as well as research fellow at Universität Hamburg and Universität Bremen. He has published extensively on the topic of predictive policing, most notably with the book "Criminal Futures. Predictive Policing and Everyday Police Work" (together with Matthias Leese).

A full CV can be found here.

Maximilian Heimstädt is a Senior Researcher at Bielefeld University and Head of the Research Group "Reorganizing Knowledge Practices" at Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin. To better understand the interplay of emerging technologies and organizations, he draws on analytic sensibilities from management studies, sociology, and STS.

A full CV can be downloaded here.







Dominik Hofmann received his PhD at the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, where he worked on the topics of law and impunity in world society. He was a junior fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Bielefeld (ZiF) and a visiting researcher at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico-City. His current research focuses on the use of algorithms in precision medicine.

A full CV can be downloaded here.

Elena Morotti is a mathematician working on inverse problem applications with deep learning tools. She received her PhD at University of Padova in 2018 and she had a postdoctoral position at the Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory (VARLAB) of the University of Bologna. She is now researcher at UniBo. She joined the PREDICT research project in July 2021.

A full CV can be downloaded here.



Costanza Coloni is a Master’s student in Philosophy. She is mainly interested in themes at the intersection of General Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of the Biomedical Sciences. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at University of Bologna with a thesis in Bioethics and she continued with a Master’s degree at the same University. During her Master’s degree she spent a year at Ludwing-Maximilians-Universität München, and two months at Bielefeld University as a Visiting Student.

A full CV can be downloaded here.

Moran Levy received her PhD at Columbia University in 2020. Her research focuses on how historical transformations of biomedical sciences and clinical research change therapeutic technologies and clinical care. Moran is a Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Organizational Innovation at Columbia University, a former fellow of the Program on Science Technology and Society at Harvard University and her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation.



Sebastian Schneider worked as a post-doc at the HRI Lab at Kyoto University and the Applied Informatics (AI) group at Bielefeld University (UniBi). He obtained his Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems from the Center for Cognitive Interaction Technologies (CITEC) at UniBi. During his Ph.D. work, he researched at the Cognition and Robotics Lab, the AI group, and the Emergent Robotics Laboratory/CiNet at Osaka University. His interest lies at the intersection of HRI, adaptive systems, social psychology, and the social consequences of AI.

Elisabeth Strietzel is a Master student in Sociology at Bielefeld University since October 2019. From 2015 to 2019, she completed her bachelor's degree in Sociology at Bielefeld University. Since 2017, she has been working as a student assistant at the Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung des Oberstufen Kollegs Bielefeld on participatory action research with high school students. In April 2020, she joined the PREDICT research project on predictions in medicine as a student assistant.

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This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 833749).

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