Credit: Liudmila Chernetska (Stock-Photograph-ID:1414766690)
Acronym: Bruna+
Studiendesign: This study consists of three parts: a qualitative, a quantitative and a mixed-methods (uses both qualitative and quantitative methods) part
Duration: 01.10.2023-30.09.2025
Status: Ongoing
Ethics vote: Ethics Committee of the Medical Association of Westphalia-Lippe, file number: 2023-490-f-S
Funding: German Cancer Aid (70115267); no funding from the pharmaceutical industry or medical device manufacturers
Team location Bielefeld:
Breast cancer is the most common cancer type among women in Germany and worldwide. Studies show that an immigrant background has an impact on health status, health behavior, and the use of health services. The largest group of migrant women in Germany are women of Turkish origin. Almost half of them are between 35 and 70 years of age and therefore have an increased risk of breast cancer. There is a lack of studies on the uptake of breast cancer aftercare by women with a migrant background in Germany. The focus of this study is the utilization of breast cancer aftercare by women of Turkish origin with breast cancer who are living in Germany.
Research question:
Project description:
To answer the research questions, we will conduct a study consisting of three parts:
In study part 1, we conduct interviews and focus groups with patients of Turkish origin in breast cancer aftercare to find out more about their use and perception of breast cancer aftercare. Based on these results, our project partners from the Bielefeld School of Public Health are designing a survey questionnaire. In study part 2, our project partners analyze routine data from a statutory health insurance company to compare the use of breast cancer aftercare services between women of Turkish origin and women of non-Turkish origin. In study part 3, we conduct workshops, so-called deliberative-consensual consultations with doctors from the fields of general medicine, gynecology and oncology. In the first workshop, the doctors exchange ideas in small groups divided by profession. In the second workshop, there will be a mixed, interprofessional discussion with one or two representative doctors per small group from phase 1. The aim of the workshops is to find out more about the doctors' views on the topics of the need for change in the aftercare process, barriers and factors that promote implementation in breast cancer aftercare for women of Turkish origin and the role of the individual medical professions in aftercare.
Based on the results of the three parts of the study, recommendations for action for breast cancer aftercare will be developed.
External project partners:
Patient and Public Involvement:
Representatives of patients, public health insurers and physicians will form a project panel to discuss the results of our study and draw conclusions. The panel will meet every three to six months starting in the fall of 2024 to discuss preliminary results.
Guidelines for data release:
After completion of the study, the data will be stored in the institutional repository of Bielefeld University PUB in accordance with the Bielefeld Resolutions on Open Access.
If you are interested in participating in the study or have any questions, please contact us – by email at
Keywords: breast cancer, migration background, mixed methods, secondary data analysis, interviews, focus groups, aftercare