Bielefeld University is committed to making its website and online services inclusive and accessible in compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance on the Creation of Barrier-Free Information Technology in accordance with the Act on Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons of North-Rhine Westphalia (BITV NRW, Implementation of the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and Council).
The following accessibility statement outlines the status of the University’s internet presence (,excluding subdomains, in its compliance with this legislation (BITV NRW).
This website is only partially compliant with the Ordinance on the Creation of Barrier-Free Information Technology of North Rhine Westphalia (BITV NRW) as well as the EU directive 2016/2012 due to the non-compliances listed below:
The content listed below is not compliant with regulations on accessibility
Due to the sheer number of PDF documents and forms that have been uploaded, it has not yet been possible to convert them into an accessible format.
It has not been possible to provide subtitles for video content in its entirety. Generally, the videos are hosted on YouTube or Panopto. YouTube normally provides its users with an option to turn on automatic subtitles. In some cases, there are also subtitles available that have been produced by editorial staff.
In collaboration with the Disability Resource Centre(ZAB) we are responding to feedback gathered on problems of accessibility experienced when using the main page template of the website, so that we can resolve any issues as quickly as possible, subject to the resources at our disposal.
As the webpages are maintained by numerous authors, there may be some editorial issues on individual pages (for example, image alt tags have not been used). Since 2019, all authors maintaining the website have undergone introductory training sessions in website creation, in which they are sensitised to the editorial aspects of digital accessibility.
Non-accessible content on the library's website:
The wide range of resources made available by publishers and database suppliers are stored on the web servers of the respective suppliers and cannot be directly edited and converted into accessible formats.
Due to their sheer volume, the digital collections cannot be made fully accessible. The PDF-documents versions of complete digitalised texts are not yet available in accessible formats. The University Library is in contact with the supplier to implement accessibility solutions in accordance with the directive and to make the PDF documents accessible.
UniMaps is an app which provides detailed accessibility information to navigate Bielefeld University from a disabled perspective.
Accessibility Services (ZAB)
The ZAB is the central point of contact for all issues relating to accessibility and the active participation of people with disabilities or chronic illnesses at Bielefeld University.
The ZAB offers expertise
• on accessible and diversity-sensitive university development
• In digital accessibility
• for prospective students, students and lecturers on studying with disabilities or chronic illnesses
• for employees and managers on employment with disabilities or chronic illnesses
The statement was prepared on 22 September 2020. It was last reviewed on 10 January 2024.
Methodology of audit: Self-assessment
Please contact us if you experience shortcomings in the University website in its compliance with accessibility requirements by using the form below. You can also use this form to request information that is exempt from the guidelines.
If you have not received a satisfactory response to your inquiry or communication regarding accessibility within six weeks, then you can contact the Ombudsman’s Office for Barrier-Free Information Technology. The Ombudsman has the power to examine complaints on behalf of people with disabilities, and its authority is legally embedded in paragraphs regarding accessibility 10d, 10e BGG NRW and paragraphs 9 ff BITV NRW.
If you would like to initiate a complaint procedure through the Ombudsman’s Office, please fill out the respective application form and send it by email to the Ombudsman’s Office.
Contact details for Ombudsman’s Office
Ombudsstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen bei der Landesbeauftragten für Menschen mit Behinderungen
Fürstenwall 25
40219 Düsseldorf