1999 Certified as specialist in internal medicine (‘Landesaerztekammer’ Westfalen-Lippe)
2003 Master of Public Health
2008 Doctoral Thesis
2019 PhD Thesis (‘Habilitation’) in General Practice
1982 – 1985 Medicine, University of Leipzig
1986 – 1991 Medicine, Westphalian Wilhelm University, Muenster
2000 – 2001 Postgraduate Public Health studies, Hanover Medical School (MHH) Clinical Practice
Clinical Practice:
1991 – 1998 Internal residency at Minden Clinic, Westphalia (gastroenterology, cardiology and intensive care, haematology and oncology, nephrology and dialysis, rheumatology, endocrinology and physical therapy)
1998 – 1999 Internal residencies at Hamelin District Hospital and at Rahden hospital, Westphalia
1999 – 2000 Freelance work at a group practice
Research Activities:
2001 – 2003 Researcher in the working group on Health Technology Assessment at the Institute for Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health Systems Research, Hanover Medical School
2004 – 2021 Institute of General Practice at the Schleswig-Holstein University, Campus Kiel and at the Goethe University, Frankfurt / Main, Director: Prof. Ferdinand M. Gerlach: Senior Researcher, Head of Clinical Decision Support Unit
Since 2008 Participant at the International Primary Care Research Leadership Programme at the University of Oxford (formerly ‘Brisbane Initiative’)
Since 2012 Founding member of the International Research Network on Multimorbidity ‘Threads and Yarns‘
Since 2017 Invited member of the Frankfurt Forum on Interdisciplinary Ageing Research (FFIA)
2017 Visiting professor at the Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice (CREBP) at Bond University, Queensland, Australia after placements in 2011 and 2013 to collaborate with Prof. Paul Glasziou
University Professor of General Practice and Family Medicine, Head of AG5 ‘Allgemein- und Familienmedizin’, Medical School of East-Westphalia, University of Bielefeld
Dreischulte T, Shahid F, Muth C, Schmiedl S, Haefeli WE: Prescribing cascades: how to detect them, prevent them, and use them appropriately. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2022; 119: 745–52. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0306 Link
Dinh TS*, Brückle MS, González-González AI, Fessler J, Marschall U, Schubert-Zsilavesz M, Gerlach FM, Harder S, van den Akker M, Schubert I, Muth C. Evidence-based decision support for a structured care program on polypharmacy in multimorbidity: a guideline upgrade based on a realist synthesis. J Pers Med 2022, 12, 69. Link
González-González AI, Nguyen TS, Meid AD, Blom JW, van den Akker M, Elders PJM, Thiem U, Kuellenberg de Gaudry D, Snell K, Perera R, Swart KMA, Rudolf H, Bosch-Lenders D, Trampisch H-J, Meerpohl JJ, Flaig B, Kom G, Gerlach FM, Hafaeli WE, Glasziou PP, Muth C. Predicting negative health outcomes in older general practice patients with chronic illness: rationale and development of the PROPERmed harmonized individual participant data database. Mech Ageing Dev 2021;194:111436. doi: Link
Blom JW, Muth C, Glasziou PP, McCormack J, Perera R, Poortvliet R, Numans M, Thürmann P, Thiem U, Thio SL, van Driel M, Beyer M, van Den Akker M, Knottnerus JA. Describing deprescribing trials better: an elaboration of the CONSORT statement. J Clin Epidemiol 2020 doi: Link
Gonzalez AI, Schmucker C, Nothacker J, Motschall E, Nguyen TS, Brueckle M-S, Blom JW, van den Akker M, Röttger K, Wegwarth O, Hoffmann T, Straus SE, Gerlach FM, Meerpohl JJ, Muth C. Health-related preferences of older patients with multimorbidity: an evidence map. BMJ Open 2019;9:e034485. doi: Link
Muth C, Blom JW, Smith SM, Johnell K, Gonzalez-Gonzalez AI, Nguyen TS, Brueckle MS, Cesari M, Tinetti ME, Valderas JM. Evidence supporting the best clinical management of patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: a systematic guideline review and expert consensus. J Intern Med. 2019;285(3):272-88., First published: 24 October 2018; Link
Muth C, Uhlmann L, Haefeli WE, Rochon J, van den Akker M, Perera R, Güthlin C, Beyer M, Oswald F, Valderas JM, Knottnerus JA, Gerlach FM, Harder S. Effectiveness of a complex intervention on Prioritising Multimedication in Multimorbidity (PRIMUM) in primary care: results of a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2018;8:e017740. doi: Link
Muth C, Harder S, Uhlmann L, Rochon J, Fullerton B, Güthlin C, Erler A, Beyer M, van den Akker M, Perera R, Knottnerus A, Valderas J, Gerlach FM, Haefeli WE. Pilot study to test the feasibility of a trial design and complex intervention on PRIoritising MUltimedication in Multimorbidity in general practices (PRIMUMpilot). BMJ Open 2016;6(7):e011613. doi: Link
Muth C, van den Akker M, Blom JW, Mallen CD, Rochon J, Schellevis FG, Becker A, Beyer M, Gensichen J, Kirchner H, Perera R, Prados-Torres A, Scherer M, Thiem U, van den Bussche H, Glasziou PP. The Ariadne principles: how to handle multimorbidity in primary care consultations. BMC Med 2014; 12:223.
Muth C, Kirchner H, van den Akker M, Scherer M, Glasziou PP. Current guidelines poorly address multimorbidity: pilot of the interaction matrix method. J Clin Epidemiol 2014;67(11):1242-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.07.004 Epub 2014 Sep 9
Muth C, Gensichen J, Beyer M, Hutchinson A, Gerlach FM. The Systematic Guideline Review: Method, Rationale, and Test on Chronic Heart Failure. BMC Health Services Research 2009;9:74. URL: Link ; Accessed 25/10/2013