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  • Interactive Robotics in Medicine and Care

    Pepper in a study
    Pepper in a study
    © Bielefeld University

Empowering Clinical Experts with Machine Learning through ML Interfaces

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anna-Lisa Vollmer

Professur für Interaktive Robotik in Medizin und Pflege

Kira Sophie Loos

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Project duration

January 2024 - today

Logo ML Interfaces
© Universität Bielefeld

In the healthcare sector, the integration of machine learning (ML) technologies offers significant potential to improve clinical decision-making and the quality of patient care. However, the complexity of ML models and the need for in-depth technical knowledge pose significant barriers to their widespread use by healthcare professionals. This research project aims to improve access to advanced ML technologies by developing intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that enable clinical experts to incorporate their domain-specific knowledge into ML applications without the need for extensive training in machine learning.

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