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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld


The AG Numerik regularly offers Bachelor and Master sequences. The corresponding lectures can partially be used in other moduls as well. Additional information can be found in the eKVV system.

An overview of current and future lectures can be found below.




Prof. Diening
  • Numerics II



Bachelor sequence

Please note that the Bachelor sequence is usually in German.

The MATLAB programming course can be attended at any point, but it is advisable to attend it before taking Numerics I. The remaining lectures and seminars are in chronological order.


  • Systems of linear equations
  • Numerical integration/ differentiation
  • Fouriertransformation

This lecture is also called 'Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations' and is almost exclusively concerned with numerical methods for ordinary differential equations.


  • One-step methods
  • Multi-step methods
  • Consistency and convergence analysis


  • Students with experience in ordinary differential equations can also attend this lecture.
  • The weekly excercises often contain a programming excercise.

The sequence ends with the seminar in which the student presents a given topic and the Bachelor thesis itself.

This practical course introduces the basics of the Software MATLAB.

The course does not have any forma requirements and takes place outside of the usual period of courses.

Master sequences

Once per year the Master sequence of the Numerik AG starts. It is alternatingly held by Prof. Diening and by Prof. Banas.

The lectures are usually in English but the thesis can be written either in English or in German.

Prof. Diening


  • Elliptic partial differential equations
  • Finite element method


  • Adaptive methods
  • Time-dependent PDEs (heat equation)

The sequence ends by writing the Master thesis and participating in the corresponding seminar.

Material and Links

The following document by PD Dr. Thorsten Hüls contains useful information on writing a thesis.

hinweise.pdf (in German)

The LaTeX beamer template is a helpful tool to create presentations in LaTeX. General information can be found here. Members of the University Bielefeld find a suitable style below including a simple example.

Beamer stylefile 'bi-beamer':


Prof. Lars Diening's personal LaTeX stylefile can be found here:

Both GNU Octave and SciLab are free programming languages similar to MATLAB.

NumLab is a MatLab-package including programs to visualize numerical methods and algorithms. The package was created by the AG Numerik.

Hints for writing a thesis

  • Hints on how to write a thesis
  • LaTeX template
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