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Growth Welfare Innovation Productivity

Funding: European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation action under grant agreement No 822781
Members: Herbert DAWID (only IMW members)
Duration: 2019-2020


Starting in January 2019 this project is funded within the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation action under grant agreement No 822781.

The project GROWINPRO investigates the causes of the slowdown in income and productivity growth in Europe during the last decades and intends to propose an integrated policy package able to sustain an inclusive and welfare enhancing process of growth resilient to climate change and population aging. In some respects, the proposal represents the deepening of the "diagnostic exercise" that has been undertaken in a very successful H2020 project: ISIGrowth http://www.isigrowth.eu. In many others it extends the scope of the investigation, fully addressing the whole thread of the interaction among innovation, productivity, and growth in a world possibly undergoing a "IV Industrial Revolution", wherein globalization exacerbated the diverging patterns of value distribution among countries and social groups. Together, it will thoroughly study the effects of monetary, fiscal and mission-oriented policies in stimulating productivity and output growth. The policy recommendations will be grounded on solid micro-, meso- and macro analyses, always accounting for the feedbacks between Schumpeterian (supply side) dynamics and Keynesian (demand side) ones. In particular, the project will combine extensive empirical work with model-based (policy) analyses, mainly relying on agent-based macroeconomic models with strong empirical foundations.

Bielefeld University is one of seven European universities in the project consortium, which also includes six research institutes and statistical offices. The project is coordinated by Scuola Superiore Sant' Anna in Pisa. Within the project Bielefeld University is the leader of the Workpackage WP4 "From micro to macro: theory and empirics" and contributes in particular to the analysis of the impact of automation/digitalization, as well as institutional changes on the labor market, for growth and the dynamics of industry concentration, skill distribution and wage inequality. This work will strongly rely on simulation analyses employing appropriate agent-based models.

Further information can be found on the project's website http://www.growinpro.eu.

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