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Math. Finance Seminar (Sommersemester 2022)

Das Institut für Mathematische Wirtschaftsforschung veranstaltet im Rahmen des Bielefeld Stochastic Afternoon regelmäßig Seminare zum Thema Finanzmathematik. Das Programm des aktuellen Semesters finden Sie hier.

04. Mai 2022 (Zeit: 16-17 Uhr, Ort: V10-122):

Cosimo Munari (University of Zürich)

Titel: Fundamental theorem of asset pricing with acceptable risk in markets with frictions

Abstract: We study the range of prices at which a rational agent should contemplate transacting a financial contract outside a given securities market. Trading is subject to nonproportional transaction costs and portfolio constraints and full replication by way of market instruments is not always possible. Rationality is defined in terms of consistency with market prices and acceptable risk thresholds. We obtain a direct and a dual description of market-consistent prices with acceptable risk. The dual characterization requires an appropriate extension of the classical Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing where the role of arbitrage opportunities is played by good deals, i.e., costless investment opportunities with acceptable risk-reward tradeoff. In particular, we highlight the importance of scalable good deals, i.e., investment opportunities that are good deals regardless of their volume. The talk is based on joint work with Maria Arduca.

18. Mai 2022 (Zeit: 16-17 Uhr und 17-18 Uhr, Ort: V10-122):

Daniel Bartl (Vienna University)

Title: Statistical estimation of stochastic optimization problems and risk measures 

Abstract: We develop a novel procedure for estimating the optimizer of general convex stochastic optimization problems from an iid sample. This procedure is the first one that exhibits the optimal statistical performance in heavy tailed situations and also applies in highdimensional settings. We discuss the portfolio optimization problem and the estimation of risk measures. Joint works with Stephan Eckstein and Shahar Mendelson.

Thomas Kruse (Universität Gießen)

Titel: Multilevel Picard approximations for high-dimensional semilinear parabolic PDEs and further applications

Abstract: We present the multilevel Picard approximation method for high-dimensional semilinear parabolic PDEs. A key idea of our method is to combine multilevel approximations with Picard fixed-point approximations. We prove in the case of semilinear heat equations with Lipschitz continuous nonlinearities that the computational effort of the proposed method grows polynomially both in the dimension and in the reciprocal of the required accuracy. Moreover, we present further applications of the multilevel Picard approximation method and illustrate its efficiency by means of numerical simulations. The talk is based on joint works with Weinan E, Martin Hutzenthaler, Arnulf Jentzen, Tuan Nguyen and Philippe Von Wurstemberger.

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