Bielefelder Lehrer*innenbildung
General questions about teacher training are usually answered by Kerstin Harmening, Silvia Schäfers and the Student Counselling Service for Teacher Training, supported, supplemented or deepened by Norbert Jacke or Anke Schöning. However, please do not use the personal email address for an inquiry on this topic, but the following functional address: The mail will then be forwarded to all BiSEd staff members who are responsible for the consultation. This is the only way to guarantee a quick processing even in case of vacation or illness. Please only write to the staff, people directly if you must insist on confidentiality.
You can reach the Student Counselling Service for Teacher Education of the BiSEd by telephone at (0521) 106-12800. The telephone consultation hours are located in the PEVZ.
To make use of counselling for teacher education, please book an appointment online via the PEVZ page of the BiSEd. Please note the additional student consulting hours offered by Norbert Jacke. Instructions for booking an appointment
Before making an inquiry about the general procedure of a teacher training program and the selection of subjects, please first orient yourself on the internet pages about the teacher training program at Bielefeld University.
Questions about school-based theory-in-practice courses can be answered by Andrea Lewald or Anke Schöning. Please do not use the personal email address for an inquiry on this topic, but (depending on the theory-in-practice course) the following functional address: or The mail will then be forwarded to the responsible BiSEd staff member. This is the only way to guarantee a quick processing even in case of vacation or illness. Please only write to the staff, people directly if you have to insist on confidentiality.
Before making an inquiry, please first consult the relevant websites.
Questions about the approval for the Master of Education will be answered by Susann Rüdiger, Birgit Reinke and Kerstin Harmening. Please do not use the personal email address for an inquiry on this topic, but the following functional address: The mail will then be forwarded to all responsible staff members of BiSEd. This is the only way to ensure a quick processing even in case of vacation or illness. Please only write to the staff, people directly if you have to insist on confidentiality.
Before making an inquiry, please first consult the relevant websites.
Questions about the certificate of completion for the Master of Education will be answered by Susann Rüdiger and Andrea Lewald. Please do not use the personal email address for an inquiry on this topic, but the following functional address: The mail will then be forwarded to all staff responsible at BiSEd. This is the only way to ensure a quick processing even in case of vacation or illness. Please only write to the staff, people directly if you must insist on confidentiality.
Before applying for a certificate in the electronic course catalogue (ekVV), please take note of these instructions.
If you are interested in a doctorate in the context of teacher education or would like to do a doctorate in subject didactics or educational sciences, you can contact the BiSEd working area for the promotion of young researchers: https: //
If you are still unsure whether a doctorate is an option for you as a (soon-to-be) teacher training graduate, the services of the BiSEd Graduate Network offer you orientation and helpful information on doctoral studies in the context of school- and teaching-related subject didactics and educational sciences research as well as teacher education research.
The consultation takes place by appointment with Carolin Dempki in a protected setting (online via Zoom, by telephone or in presence) and is of course confidential. Depending on the counseling issue and upon request, further referrals will be made. Please make an appointment for a personal consultation by email with Carolin Dempki:
General information for doctorate/Phd studies at Bielefeld University can be found on the following page:
The colleagues of the Phd-Careeradvice are available for general questions regarding doctorate/Phd studies:
If you have been trained as a teacher internationally and would now like to enter the teaching profession in Germany, you can seek advice from BiSEd. Please send requests for advice to the following e-mail address:
You can find initial information on the BiSEd website Studying after a foreign university degree.
Please contact the district government in advance to find out whether it is possible to have your teacher training recognised. Teachers from the EU can obtain information from the Arnsberg district government. Teachers from third countries can obtain information from the Detmold district government.