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© Universität Bielefeld

Seminar Series

Individualisation in Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution

The NC³ seminar series "Individualisation in Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution" is organized biweekly alternating between Bielefeld University and University of Münster. In addition to NC³ scientists presenting their research, we invite external speakers working on NC³-related research. The afternoon after the seminars are reserved for NC³ discussion groups, e.g. research cloud meetings (see below for a schedule).

General information

The seminar usually takes place every second Friday at 11.15 h in the VHF seminar rooms 210 or 211 (Verhaltensforschung (VHF) building, Bielefeld University, Konsequenz 45) or lecture hall HHü (Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, Hüfferstraße 1, University of Münster).

Please note: Deviating times and locations are highlighted in the schedule. Additional events around the seminar also also mentioned below.

We hope to be able to offer the seminar in hybrid format. If the Corona situation requires it, we will return to the virtual format via Zoom. Please contact to receive the invitations before the seminar, if you are not receiving emails from the nc3-all list anyway.

Schedule Winter 2024/25

Date Location Speaker & Title



11:15 (VHF 210) Bernice Sepers - Causes and consequences of epigenetic variation in Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella



09:00 (Social Room) Women´s Breakfast - Guest: Marie Fujitani - Dispatches from underwater: fieldwork and motherhood

11:15 (HHü) Lukas Schrader - The molecular bases of ant evolution

14:00 Self-defense for women (registration necessary)



11:15 (VHF 210) Barbara Caspers - The fire salamander: a perfect study system to study niche conformance?



15:30 (HHü) JICE Individualisation Lecture Udo Dannlowski - Disease trajectories of affective disorders




11:15 (VHF 210) Bibiana Rojas - TBA





11:15 (Zoom) Aleksandra Walczak - TBA

14:00 (Social Room) EDI Talk by Daniela Rößler - Improving inclusivity in academia



11:15 (VHF 210) Viktoria Siewert - TBA

14:00 (Room TBA) JICE Individualisation Lecture Brent Roberts - Looking at personality development through the lens of a cross-species, meta-evolutionary architecture

Summer 2025

Save the following dates for our NC³ seminar during summer 2025

11.04.2025 Münster

09.05.2025 Bielefeld

23.05.2025 Münster

06.06.2025 Bielefeld

27.06.2025 Münster

11.07.2025 Bielefeld

Please note: the seminar dates between April and early June 2025 will most likely be used for the rehearsal of our on-site review.


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