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  • SFB-TRR 212

    Central Management

    © Antje Herde


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Prof. Dr. Oliver Krüger

Scientific Coordinators

Dr. Antje Herde

Dr. Sabine Kraus


Nicole Sieloff

Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre

The central management project will provide the services for the scientific and administrative management of the CRC. Main tasks of the coordinator will be to keep up the high level of communication between the participants and between the respective administrations at their home universities. The coordinator supports the scientific exchange by scheduling, organising and implementing workshops, the general assemblies and meetings for different interest groups and will invite the seminar speakers.

From the beginning, the coordinator will also promote the activities of the CRC to the general public. The topic of our proposed CRC is extremely interesting to the public, as the fields of behaviour, ecology and evolution feature daily in all types of media. The organismal approach in our research makes it highly accessible. We want to fully capitalise on this enormous interest in our research and will reach out the public not just by having a dedicated webpage and routine seminars that are open to the public. We will establish a so-called "e-vite a Prof" scheme where schools can invite one of our principal investigators to give an easy to understand lecture in the classroom. Using an online streaming service, we will also offer this service internationally for virtual classroom visits. As these activities are independent of our research results, the coordinator can start implementing them right from the start. Once results become available, we of course also will actively disseminate our research findings to newspapers and magazines, building on the contacts that have already been established.

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