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Erasmus+ Project

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Diagnostic Tool in Mathematics

The aim of this project is to bring together the expertise of all members of this partnership and create an ongoing diagnostic tool that teachers can use to measure basic skills in arithmetic and algebra at the end of a two-year learning period. Thus, five diagnostic tests will be created (at entry into primary school, after the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th class) that incorporate the visuo-spatial skills necessary for learning numbers. In addition, the project aims to explicitly recognise the special needs of inclusive classrooms for the application of the diagnostic instruments.
For each test instrument, an assessment matrix, a manual with instructions for its application, copy templates of the standard test versions and test versions for pupils with special needs should be brought together. The test instruments will be piloted and then made available to teachers in the participating countries via a website in the respective national languages for use in their classrooms.


														Samuel Coronado Alvarez

Samuel Coronado Alvarez

+49 521 106-5044
Telephone secretary
+49 521 106-67550
UHG V6-210


Team Bielefeld (DE)

Prof. Dr. Andrea Peter-Koop

Prof. Dr. Michael Kleine

Léon Anhalt

Samuel Coronado Álvarez

Nadine Grapin

Julia Pilet

Eric Mounier

Brigitte Grugeon-Allys

Françoise Chenevotot

Doris Dumičić Danilović

Sanja Rukavina

Ana Grbac

Marina Šimac

Prof. Dr. Michael Gaidoschik

Dr. Miglena Asenova

Håkan Sollervall

Karin Sällström

Susanne Erlandsson

Claudia Lázaro

Agustín Carrillo

Prof. Dr. Tomás Recio

Georgios Fesakis

Konstantinos Tatsis

Andreas Moutsios-Rentzos

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