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Allgemein- und Familienmedizin

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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Research - Dept. of General Practice and Family Medicine

© Mike-Dennis Müller

Primary care practices are the first point of contact for people seeking medical care. In addition to providing comprehensive medical care to patients, primary care physicians coordinate patient management with other physicians and health care professionals for both outpatient and inpatient care and ensure continuity of care.

Demographic change and the associated increase in the number of chronically ill and multimorbid patients, as well as the growing shortage of physicians, will pose ever greater challenges to primary care in the future.

We try to meet these challenges through high-quality research at an internationally compatible level. The involvement of GPs and patients will ensure relevance, participation and practicability. An important element of this will be our GP research practice network, which is currently being established. Our research is always conducted transparently and independently, i.e. without the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry and medical device manufacturers.

An overview of current research projects can be found here:

PARTNER - Cooperation between GP practices and pharmacies to improve medication safety with multi-medication


An intervention study (a randomized trial with intervention and control groups) to test new approaches to promoting collaboration between primary care practices and pharmacies.

The aim of the study is to improve medication safety in older patients (65+ years) with polypharmacy (≥ 5 medications). The study will be conducted at three locations and accompanied by a health economic evaluation and a process evaluation.

PARTNER is funded by the Innovation Fund of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA, funding number: 01VSF21038 ) for the period from 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2025.

Keywords: polypharmacy, medication safety, physician-pharmacist cooperation, misuse and overuse, quality of pharmaceutical care, interprofessional cooperation, health services research.

Contact: Kerstin Bernartz (0521 106 86818)

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LLKVP - S3 guideline on general practitioner risk counselling for cardiovascular prevention


Update of the S3 guideline on risk counselling by general practitioners for cardiovascular prevention published by the German Society for General Practice and Family Medicine (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin , DEGAM) in 2016. The study is being conducted in collaboration with the Institute for General Practice at the Philipps University of Marburg.

The aim of the guideline is to support physicians and patients in joint decision-making, taking into account the latest medical evidence as well as the individual needs and goals of patients.

The LLKVP project is funded by the Innovation Fund of the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA, funding number 01VSF22012) for the period 01.01.2023 - 30.06.2024.

Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, primary prevention, guideline, systematic review, counselling, risk assessment.

Contact: Lara Schürmann (0521 106 87701)

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Bruna+ - Breast cancer aftercare for women of Turkish origin: Factors influencing utilisation of aftercare


A study using qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate utilisation of breast cancer aftercare by women with a Turkish migration background.

The aim of the study is to find out more about the use of breast cancer aftercare programs by women of Turkish origin in Germany and identify possible barriers and facilitators. Based on our findings from interviews and focus groups with women of Turkish origin, as well as on the results of our expert workshops with general practitioners, oncologists and gynaecologists, targeted recommendations for the improvement of breast cancer aftercare will be developed.

The Bruna+ project is funded by German Cancer Aid (funding number 70115267) for the period 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025.

Keywords: breast cancer, migration background, mixed methods, secondary data analysis, interviews, focus groups, follow-up care

Contact: Cansu Erdogan Cengiz (0521 106 87721)

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