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Academic student counselling

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Academic student counselling

Dr. Nina Westerheide

Student Counselling for Bachelor & Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften and Master Statistische Wissenschaften, Credits for internships in Bachelor and Master in Economics and Master in Statistische Wissenschaften

Office hours during the semester
Only by appointment

Phone: +49 521 106-3822
Office: UHG U3-148

Initial information on the crediting of internships in the Bachelor's and Master's Wirtschaftswissenschaften can also be found on the internship officer's website.

Detailed information on the application procedure for the Master's programme in Wirtschaftswissebschaften can also be found on the faculty's website. First information about the Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften and the Faculty's Master's programmes can be found on the Faculty's website for prospective and current students. Information on the crediting of internships in the Master of Statistical Sciences can also be found in the letter deposited here.

Prof. Dr. Dominik Karos

Student counselling for Master Quantitative Economics

Office hours during the semester
Only by appointment

Phone: +49 521 106-4805
Office: UHG V10-134

First information about the Master's programme in Quantitative Economics can also be found on the website of the Faculty for prospective and current students.

Dr. Ulrike Haake

Student counselling for Doctoral programme

Office hours during the semester
Only by appointment

Phone: +49 521 106-4865
Office: UHG V8-141

Ausführliche Informationen zum Bewerbungsverfahren des Promotionisstudiengangs finden Sie auch auf den Internetseiten der BiGSEM.

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