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COSY@Home-Lab | RoboCup@Home

© Universität Bielefeld/Patrick Pollmeier

RoboCup@Home Team ToBI

The 'Team of Bielefeld' (ToBI) has successfully participated in RoboCup@Home competitions since 2009 and succeeded two times a world champion (Leipzig 2016 and Montreal 2018). The team consists of Bachelor and Master students which change on an annual term. Please contact us in case of interest! You find more information about our team at the ToBi website.

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ToBI at the European Open 2016 in Eindhoven
ToBI at the European Open 2016 in Eindhoven | © Technical University Eindhoven

About RoboCup@Home

The RoboCup@Home league aims to develop service and assistive robot technology with high relevance for future personal domestic applications. It is the largest international annual competition for autonomous service robots and is part of the RoboCup initiative. A set of benchmark tests is used to evaluate the robots’ abilities and performance in a realistic non-standardized home environment setting. Focus lies on the following domains but is not limited to: Human-Robot-Interaction and Cooperation, Navigation and Mapping in dynamic environments, Computer Vision and Object Recognition under natural light conditions, Object Manipulation, Adaptive Behaviors, Behavior Integration, Ambient Intelligence, Standardization and System Integration. It is colocated with the RoboCup symposium.

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