Bielefelder Lehrer*innenbildung
If you complete your teaching bachelor's degree at Bielefeld University and use the transition to the master's degree as an opportunity to change your subjects, study programme variants or school type, e.g. to change from G to G/ISP or your core and minor subject, further documents are required for your application to the Master of Education, in contrast to the exact continuation of your Bachelor course. Follow the instructions under Approval for External / Additional Applicants.
After your application, it will be checked whether, despite the change, your university degree is still to be assessed as relevant and which academic achievements you may still be lacking for the continuation of the changed Master's program. If you are missing a maximum of 30 LP, you can make up for the missing academic achievements as so-called alignment studies during the master's program. Even if you want to change something in your enrolment during the Master's program, you have to reapply for the Master's program following the instructions under Approval for External / Additional Applicants.
If it is already clear that you will lack considerably more than 30 LP, e.g. because you want to study a completely new subject, you may first have to go back to the Bachelor's program before you can get Master's access for the new combination. If in doubt, seek advice before applying.