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"Das Junge ZiF"

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Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer
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Coordinator at ZiF

Nadine Sutmöller

+49 521 106-12836


Felix Günther (TU Berlin, Institute of Mathematics)

Marietta Zille (Vienna University, Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology)

Call for Applications

Next Call for Applications: Spring 2025

Video: Being a Fellow

Podcast: On Conspiracy Theories

"Das Junge ZiF"

Postdoc Network

A group of "Das Junge ZiF" standing in a group in the ZiF foyer in front of a window
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

"Das Junge ZiF" is ZiF's own postdoc network dating back to 2002. Outstanding early career researchers are given a platform to practise and advance interdisciplinary discourse. The fellows meet at ZiF three times a year to discuss a self-chosen subject and exchange ideas about their individual research interests. In addition, the Fellows can organise interdisciplinary workshops. The Fellowships have a duration of four years and are awarded after an open application procedure.

Benefits of the Fellowship

  • Interdisciplinary Exchange

    The Fellows are obligated to take part in the meetings of the postdoc network. They are carried out three times a year at ZiF.

    Costs of travel and accommodation are covered by ZiF.

  • Workshops

    The Fellows get the opportunity to propose and carry out an interdisciplinary workshop at ZiF. ZiF will organise the event and will cover costs of accomodation and travel up to 15.000 euros.


  • Research Stay

    Fellows who are not members of Bielefeld University get the chance to conduct a 4 weeks research stay at ZiF. The stay can be split into shorter stays, depending on our accomodation capacities. Costs of Travel and Accommodation are covered by ZiF.


Benjamin Angerer

Portrait Benjamin Angerer
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Bielefeld University, Centre for Teaching and Learning (ZLL)

Areas of Research:

  • Human Problem Solving
  • Analogies and Metaphors
  • Conceptual and Representational Change
  • Qualitative Methods in Cognitive Science
  • Philosophy of Science


Amrei Bahr

Portrait Amrei Bahr
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

University of Stuttgart, Institute of Philosophy

Areas of Research:

  • Philosophy of Artefacts
  • Philosophy of Waste Disposal
  • Ethics of Copying
  • Aesthetics


Leonie Bossert

Portrait Leonie Bossert
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

University of Vienna, Philosophy of Media and Technology

Areas of Research:

  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Normativity of Sustainability, including Sustainable AI
  • Environmental and Animal Ethics
  • Mircobial Ethics
  • Human-Technology-Relations
  • Conservation Ethics


Konstantin Chatziathanasiou

University of Münster, Institute for International and Comparative Public Law

Areas of Research:

  • Constitutional Law, in part. matters of its design and enforcement
  • Law and Social Inequality
  • (Experimental) Law and Economics
  • Interdisciplinarity in Legal Sciences

Torbjørn Cunis

Portrait Torbjørn Cunis
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

University of Stuttgart, Institute for Flight Mechanics and Control

Areas of Research:

  • Automation of Vehicles and Aircraft
  • Optimization in Control Engineering
  • Reliability and Convergence of Optimization Algorithms
  • Analysis of Hybrid Systems
  • Mathematical Systems Theory

Sandra Dinter

Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Hamburg University, Institute of English and American Studies

Areas of Research:

  • British Literature and Culture (19th -21st centuries)
  • Space, Mobility and Gender
  • Neo-Victorianism; Poststructuralism
  • Constructions of Childhood

Saskia Fischer

Leibniz University of Hanover, German Studies Department

Areas of Research:

  • Literature, Ritual and Religion
  • Camp and Holocaust Literature
  • Jewish Literature
  • Guilt, Forgiveness, and Moral Repair in Literature and Philosophy
  • Performativity and Rhythm in Theater and Drama

Carolin Gebauer

Portrait Carolin Gebauer
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

University of Wuppertal, Department of English and American Studies

Areas of Research:

  • English Literature and Culture, in particular the twenty-first Century Novel
  • Representations of Migration and Mobility across Media
  • Cultural Practices of Storytelling
  • Postclassical Narratology (in particular Cognitive, Rhetorical, and Cultural Narratology) and Interdisciplinary Narrative Research

Paulina Gennermann

Portrait Paulina Gennermann
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

University of Marburg, Department of Modern History

Areas of Research:

  • History of Science, especially History of Chemistry
  • History of the Flavor and Fragrance Industry in the 20th Century
  • Perception of Natural and Non-Natural Substances in a Historical Context
  • History of the Chemical Industry
  • History of Medicine
  • History of Psychopharmacology in the 20th Century
  • Science in Global and Colonial Perspectives


Philipp Golka

Portrait Philipp Golka
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Economic Sociology Research Area

Areas of Research:

  • Financial Markets
  • Wealth and Inequality
  • Political Economy
  • Economic Sociology


Felix Günther

Portrait Felix Günther
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

TU Berlin, Institute of Mathematics

Areas of Research:

  • Differential Geometry
  • Discrete Differential Geometry
  • Architectural Geometry
  • Discrete Complex Analysis
  • Discrete Integrable Systems
  • Statistical Physics

Maximilian Heimstädt

Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Areas of Research:

  • Organizational Theory, Science & Technology Studies (STS)
  • Experts and Expertise
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Open Science
  • Science Communication

Michael Homberg

Portrait Michael Homberg
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam

Areas of Research:

  • 19th to 21st Centuries Media and Cultural History
  • History of the Digital Age
  • History and Theory of Globalization
  • History of Human Rights, Humanitarianism and Development
  • Metropolitan Modernity

Shumon Hussain

Portrait Shumon Hussain
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

University of Cologne, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Areas of Research:

  • Human Origins/Palaeolithic Archaeology
  • Theory and Method of Lithic Analysis
  • Environmental Humanities
  • Human-Animal Relations
  • Epistemology of Archaeology

Janin Jäger

Portrait Janin Jäger
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Department of Mathematics

Areas of Research:

  • Numerical Mathematics
  • Approximation Theory
  • Radial Basis Functions and Kernel Methods
  • Approximation on Spheres and Manifolds
  • Applications to Medical Data Science and Imaging

Saana Jukola

University of Twente, Department of Philosophy

Areas of Research:

  • Philosophy of Medicine and Nutritional Sciences (in part. issues of evidence-based practice)
  • Social Epistemology
  • Values in Science

David Keller

Portrait David Keller
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Sigmund Freud University Berlin | Center ÜBERLEBEN, Specialist Center for Traumatized Refugees and Survivors of Severe Violence

Areas of Research:

  • Transcultural Mental Health
  • History, Theory, and Ethics of Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Medical Humanities and Health Humanities


Michael Klenk

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

Areas of Research:

  • Moral Psychology
  • Epistemology
  • Moral Philosophy
  • esp. Theory and Ethics of Manipulation


Alexander Koch

Université Paris Cité, Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale (IRIF)

Areas of Research:

  • Cryptography and IT Security
  • Cryptography for the Social Good
  • Cryptography and the AI Control Problem
  • Cryptography and Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Effective Altruism

Matthias Leanza

University of Basel, Department of Sociology

Areas of Research:

  • Sociological Theory and History of Ideas of Sociology
  • Historical Sociology
  • Biopolitics and Prevention
  • Imperial and Colonial History

Nicole Ludwig

Portrait Nicole Ludwig
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen, Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science"

Areas of Research:

  • Machine Learning, esp. Time Series Prediction
  • Uncertainty Quantification
  • Decision Making under Uncertainty
  • Sustainable Energy Systems
  • Climate Change Impacts on Energy Systems

Benjamin Paaßen

Portrait Benjamin Paaßen
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Bielefeld University, Faculty of Technology, Research Group "Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning"

Areas of Research:

  • Machine Learning, esp. Distance-Based Learning and Recursive Neural Networks
  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • Stereotypes in Video Game Culture

Julio Paulos

Portrait Julio Paulos
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

ETH Zurich, Future Cities Lab

Areas of Research:

  • Urban Studies
  • Planning Theory
  • Science and Technology Studies (STS)
  • Material Semiotics
  • Empirical Philosophy


Rima-Maria Rahal

Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Behavioral Law und Economics Group, Bonn

Areas of Research:

  • Cognitive and Affective Processes Underlying Social and Moral Decision Making

Benjamin Schäfer

Portrait Benjamin Schäfer
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)

Areas of Research:

  • Data Science
  • Stochastic Analysis and Modeling
  • Statistical Physics
  • Network Dynamics
  • Energy System Modeling
  • Sustainability and Environmental Issues (esp. Air and Water Quality)

Melina Schleef

Portrait Melina Schleef
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics

Areas of Research:

  • Digital Transformation
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Smart Products and Services
  • Sustainability
  • Cooperation Between Established Companies and Start-Ups
  • Legal Framework Conditions in Innovation Management


Julia Schubert

Portrait Julia Schubert
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Goethe University Frankfurt

Areas of Research:

  • Science-Politics Nexus in World Society (Scientific Expertise and Policy-Making in Historical Perspective)
  • Climate Policy
  • Science Studies
  • Political Sociology

Matthias Täufer

Portrait Matthias Täufer
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

University of Hagen, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Areas of Research:

  • Mathematics, esp. Harmonic Analysis
  • Operator Theory
  • Spectral Theory
  • Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications in Control Theory and Mathematical Quantum Mechanics


Karolin Wetjen

Portrait Karolin Wetjen
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

University of Göttingen, Seminar for Medieval and Modern History

Areas of Research:

  • Modern and Contemporary History, esp. Climate History
  • History of Knowledge
  • Colonial History
  • History of Religion


Jan Wohland

Portrait Jan Wohland
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

ETH Zurich, Department of Environmental Systems Science

Areas of Research:

  • Renewable Energies & Energy System Transformation
  • Impacts of Climate Variability and Climate Change (esp. the Electricity System)
  • Redispatch & Weather; Uncertainties & Contradictions in Climatic Reanalyses of the 20th Century

Valerij Zisman

Portrait Valerij Zisman
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law

Areas of Research:

  • Philosophy of Law
  • Normative Ethics
  • Moral Psychology


Marietta Zille

Vienna University, Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Areas of Research:

  • Neuroscience
  • Stroke
  • Brain Hemorrhage
  • Vascular Dementia
  • Cell Death

Nadine Zwiener-Collins

Portrait Nadine Zwiener-Collins
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Department of Political Science, Politics, Gender and Diversity,

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science


Areas of Research:

  • Politics and Gender
  • Quantitative Research Methods and Critical Data Literacy
  • Social and Political Inequalities
  • Political Participation and Attitudes
  • Political Representation


Former Fellows

  • Jan Christoph Bublitz (Law)
  • Philipp Erbentraut (Politics)
  • Christa Finkenwirth (Anthropology)
  • Thomas Fischer (Economics)
  • Hanjo Hamann (Law)
  • Marie Louise Herzfeld-Schild (Music)
  • Matthias Hoesch (Philosophy)
  • Valérie Kobi (Art)
  • Florian Muhle (Sociology)
  • Simone M. Müller (History)
  • Norbert Paulo (Philosophy)
  • Joachim Wündisch (Philosophy)
  • Elmar Behrmann (Biology)
  • Thiemo Breyer (Philosophy)
  • Mareike Fischer (Mathematics)
  • Roman Gibhardt (Literary Studies)
  • Marcus Hartner (Literary Studies)
  • Adrian Hermann (Religious Studies)
  • Melanie Krüger (Psychology)
  • Ingmar Lippert (Science and Technology Studies)
  • Vanessa Lux (Psychology)
  • Dana Mahr (Science and Technology Studies
  • Anita von Poser (Ethnology)
  • Daniel Ruprecht (Informatics)
  • Matthias Schaffrick (Literary Studies)
  • Tanja Skambraks (History)
  • Cordula Vesper (Psychology)
  • Beat Bächi (History)
  • Peter Cserne (Law)
  • Olga Galanova (Social Science)
  • Heike Greschke (Sociology)
  • Malte Griesse (Easteuropean History)
  • Susanne Hakenbeck (Archaeology)
  • Anja P. Jakobi (Political Science)
  • Monika Krause (Sociology)
  • Sigrid Kusch (Environmental Science)
  • Lars Kuchinke (Experimental Psychology)
  • Cornelis Menke (Philosophy of Science)
  • Klaus Nathaus (History)
  • Johannes Paha (Economics)
  • Karola Pitsch (Linguistics)
  • Jörn Reinhardt (Law)
  • Kai Marcel Sicks (German Language and Literary Studies)
  • Dominik Collet (History)
  • Ursula Hennigfeld (Romance Studies)
  • Christoph Küffer (Integrative Biology)
  • Hiram Kümper (History)
  • Delio Mugnolo (Mathematics)
  • Kirsten Volz (Neuroscience)
  • Sven Walter (Philosophy)
  • Christian Fiebach (Psychology)
  • Alexander C. T. Geppert (History)
  • Christian Greiffenhagen (Sociology)
  • Thilo Gross (Ecology)
  • Michael Guggenheim (Sociology)
  • Matthias Richter (Medical Sociology)
  • Mark Schrödter (Social Pedagogy)
  • Xiaobing Wang-Riese (Cultural Anthropology)
  • Matthias Weigelt (Sports Science)
  • Karin Weis (Psychology)
  • Daniela Bailer-Jones (Philosophy)
  • Matthias Brand (Physiological Psychology)
  • Thomas J. Bürvenich (Physics)
  • Peter Giesl (Mathematics)
  • Kay Hamacher (Physics)
  • Silke Kipper (Animal Behaviour)
  • Timo Kirschstein (Medical and Health Sciences)
  • Nicole C. Krämer (Personality and Social Psychology)
  • Frank Peter (Culture and Social Anthropology)
  • Thomas Weitin (German Language and Literature Studies)
  • Thomas Beschorner (Economics)
  • Andreas Blödorn (Language and Literature)
  • Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann (History)
  • Michael Neugart (Economics)
  • Karsten Weber (Philosophy)
  • Artemis Alexiadou (Language and Literature)
  • Nihat Ay (Mathematics)
  • François Balloux (Biology and Environmental Research)
  • Johann Bizer (Law)
  • Herbert Dawid (Economics)
  • Brigitte Haar (Law)
  • Elke Kaiser (History)
  • Carmen Kaminsky (Sociology)
  • Günther Knoblich (Psychology)
  • Nikola Kompa (Philosophy)
  • Stephan Lessenich (Sociology)
  • Susanne Lütz (Political Science)
  • Annette Rompel (Biology and Environmental Research)
  • Petra Schwille (Chemistry)
  • Christina von Hodenberg (History)

How to Become a Fellow

We offer
  • a 4-year membership in the renowned ZiF postdoc network
  • 3 meetings a year to discuss jointly selected topics, disciplinary questions and to share academic experiences
  • organisation of an interdisciplinary workshop (upon application), max. funding amount 15.000,- €
  • research stay at ZiF for up to 4 weeks
  • above-average doctorate, which was awarded no longer than five years ago (parental and care periods are taken into account here)
  • interest and experience in interdisciplinary research
  • willingness to participate regularly in the meetings of the Young ZiF
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