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Algae Biotechnology & Bioenergy

© Universität Bielefeld

Research topics & objectives

The Algae Biotechnology & Bioenergy Research Group at Bielefeld University was founded in 2009 and is part of the Faculty of Biology and of the Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec).

We investigate the potential of microalgae for the utilization of light energy and CO2 for the biotechnological production of valuable compounds in fundamental and applied research projects.

Photosynthetic microalgae use light energy for growth and can exhibit high biomass yields, therefore offering the potential for sustainable production of numerous renewable products. Targets in the focus of our current research include hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, lipids, recombinant proteins and other bioactive molecules.

© Wiebke Homann (

Lab panorama view


We always welcome applications for bachelor and master projects!

Please apply via email.

Dr. Jan H. Mussgnug

+49 521 106-12260

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