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© Universität Bielefeld

About us

The Faculty of Biology was established in 1976 when the Bielefeld University was built up. Since then the faculty has developed constantly. Today it is one of the largest faculties of Bielefeld University.

Innovative research

The research topics at the faculty comprise studies on the level of molecules, cells and tissues, on physiological and neurobiological regulation as well as systems biology approaches.

  • Research Profile

    The key research areas of the Faculty of Biology comprise the three fields 'Individuality & Interaction", 'Sustainability & Resource Efficiency' and 'Networks: from genes over metabolism to diversity'.

  • Researchgroups

    In several working groups, organisms are studied in their entirety (from microorganisms to humans) and with regard to the interactions between them. Our mission is to understand the mechanisms and functions that underlie biological systems.

  • CeBiTec

    The Center for Biotechnology – CeBiTec – is one of the largest faculty-spanning central academic institutions at Bielefeld University. Its purpose is to bundle the biotechnological activities and research projects at the university, to foster cross-linking of research approaches and technologies from different research fields and to develop innovative projects within its two main research areas: Large Scale Genomics and Big Data Bioinformatics and Metabolic Engineering of Unicellular Systems and Bioproduction.

  • SFB "NC3"

    The Faculty of Biology at Bielefeld University and the University of Münster initiated the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre Transregio NC³ "A Novel Synthesis of Individualisation across Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution: Niche Choice, Niche Conformance, Niche Construction". Projects of the NC³ combine behavioural, evolutionary and theoretical biology and ecology in an etho-eco-evo approach to develop a novel synthesis of individualisation that also takes into account that the environmental conditions change throughout an animal's lifetime.

Diverse and sound teaching

Teaching benefits from the research strength and breadth of study topics. The biological basic education covers a broad spectrum of subject-specific issues. For specialisation, students have a choice between an appealing variety of research topics, study organisms and methods. Moreover, the faculty offers teacher training programs in biology for all types of schools in North Rhine-Westphalia.

  • © Universität Bielefeld/Martin Brockhoff
  • © Universität Bielefeld/Martin Brockhoff
  • © Universität Bielefeld/Martin Brockhoff
  • © Universität Bielefeld/Martin Brockhoff

Thematic Focus (in German)

Schlüsselkompetenzen für den ­Studieneinstieg

Mitarbeiter*innen der Fakultät unterstützen Sie in den ersten Semestern dabei, sich (Schlüssel-)Kompetenzen im Umgang mit Daten und deren Auswertung und Interpretation, dem Finden, Lesen und dem Verfassen von wissenschaftlichen Texten anzueignen. Spezielle Beratungsangebote sollen Ihnen den Weg von der Schule an die Universität und die Fakultät für Biologie ebnen.

Weitere Informationen

Gleichstellung und Diversität

© Universität Bielefeld

Die Fakultät für Biologie zeichnet sich durch eine frauen- und familienfreundliche Politik aus. Ziel ist es, nachhaltig die Chancengleichheit für alle Gruppen und die Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau sicherzustellen.

Weitere Informationen der Gleichstellungskommission

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