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CF Microscopy and Imaging

Core Facility Microscopy and Imaging, Bielefeld University (under construction)

© Universität Bielefeld

Light Microscopy Technology Platform (LiMiTec)

Welcome to LiMiTec, a part of the core facility for Microscopy and Imaging of Bielefeld University. The CF represents a state-of-the-art imaging facility bundling light microscopes at Bielefeld University. For technical support please contact Dr. Thorsten Seidel or Dr. Barbara Biermann or use the contact form.


A Leica STELLARIS 8 FALCON and a Leica THUNDER Imager Tissue have been installed and introduction to users has started!

Sample preparation for electron microscopy has been established and will further expand in the next time! Contact Karsten Niehaus or Thorsten Seidel for further information.

The LIFA FLIM has a new filterset for GFP with a short pass emission filter, sutiable for autotrophic plant cells.

End of 2022, a light sheet microscope has been installed and is now ready to use! Also, the new Keyence BZ-X810 has been installed and is available via the booking platform. Contact Thorsten for further instructions and an introduction.

Our LSM780 has become a video-star at JoVE!

Information on all core facilities of Bielefeld University can be found here.


Recent Publications

Seidel T, Artmann P, Gkekas I, Illies F, Baack, AL, Viefhues M (2024) Microfluidic Single-Cell Study on Arabidopsis thaliana Protoplast Fusion—New Insights on Timescales and Reversibilities. Plants 13(2): 295

Eysholdt-Derzsó E, Renziehausen T, Frings S, Frohn S, von Bongartz K, Igisch CP, Mann J, Häger L, Macholl J, Leisse D, Hoffmann N, Winkels K, Wanner P, De Backer J, Sauter M, De Clercq I, van Dongen JT, Schippers JHM, Schmidt-Schippers RR (2023) Endoplasmic reticulum bound ANAC013 factor is cleaved by RHOMBOID-LIKE 2 during the initial response to hypoxia in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 120: e2221308120, 2023

Niemann T, Greiner J, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B (2023) EPO regulates neuronal differentiation of adult human neural-crest derived stem cells in a sex-specific manner. BMC Neuroscience. 2023;24(1): 19.

von der Heyde, E. L.& Hallmann, A. (2022) Molecular and cellular dynamics of early embryonic cell divisions in Volvox carteri. Plant Cell 34, 1326-1353

Kaltschmidt B, Asghari E, Kiel A, et al. (2022) Magnetron Sputtering of Transition Metals as an Alternative Production Means for Antibacterial Surfaces. Microorganisms. 2022;10(9): 1843

Asghari E, Kaltschmidt B, van Merwyk L, et al. (2022) Pseudomonas aeruginosa Clusters Toxic Nickel Nanoparticles to Enhance Survival. Microorganisms. 2022;10(11): 2220





Before starting to use any microscope of the LiMiTec, an introduction to the microscope is mandatory and safety instructions according to GenTSV (safety level S1) are required. Keep the labs clean and pay attention to the waste separation.

For booking the confocal microscopes, request a login once you have been introduced to the microscope. The booking platform is available at Booking is possible for up to two weeks in advance. Do not exceed four hours for a single slot and three slots a week Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00, long term experiments should be performed at the weekend or overnight. Avoid gaps between slots. Delete your booking, once it turns out that you are not going to use it. If that happens at short notice, inform other users who booked the microscope that day by email. Keep yourself updated about the users who booked the microscope before and after your slot to ensure proper handover of the system.

Before you start, contact the one who booked it before you to avoid gaps and unnecessary switching off of the HBO/HXP-lamps and argon-ion lasers, if they are still needed. Check the equipment and the logbook for obvious damages and reported problems. Report problems in the logbook and also inform the staff. Before you leave, clean all objective lenses you have used. Keep the lab clean and contact the following user. If you are the last user, ensure that the system is properly shut down. If you are the second last user, check if the last user that day shows up.

Copy your data to the servers of the faculty and check the files. Delete the local files the next time you are using the microscope. There is no backup of local files. Data of people who are no longer affiliated with Bielefeld University will be deleted. The same applies for the image processing PC in the isotope lab.

The following methods are frequently applied:

Localisation of proteins

Tissue specificity

subcellular localisation


Protein Dynamics

Tracking of proteins






Measurement of physiological parameters

Redoxpotential: Dichlorofluorescein, HyPer, roGFP

Vacuolar pH: 6-Carboxyfluorescein

Login for the booking process:

Please select an instrument from the list.

If you do not have an account yet or you do not have authorization please contact Mr. Thorsten Seidel (see also 'Contact')

Login für die Buchung:

Bitte wählen Sie ein Gerät aus der Liste.

Falls Sie noch keinen Account haben oder Ihnen die Berechtigung fehlt, wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Thorsten Seidel (siehe auch 'Contact')

Technical Support


														Prof. Dr. Christian Kaltschmidt

Prof. Dr. Christian Kaltschmidt

Durch den Rektor ernannt:
Standortvertreter für das Kompetenznetzwerk Stammzellenforschung

+49 521 106-5625
Telephone secretary
+49 521 106-5797
UHG W7-134

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