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During your Studies

© Universität Bielefeld

Studying at the Faculty

As a student at the Faculty of Biology, you will find at this pages information and links to advice services, important contact points such as the examination office, cross-event websites and e-learning offers as well as other study-related aspects.

Information and materials on individual courses are available, for example, in the eKVV or in the course rooms.

Individual subsidiary subjects

Elective Modules offer possibilities to choose complementary sessions rounding up your profiles. No matter if you are a student from the Faculty of Biology or from other facuties: Here you find recommendations which modules and sessions are eligible.

Information about Individual subsidiary subjects


Quality Management & Teaching Evaluation

At the university, the quality of studies and teaching is ensured and further developed, among other things, within the framework of system accreditation. Part of the measures is the teaching evaluation, which takes place in the faculties according to specific concepts. The teaching evaluation is used to receive feedback from students on teaching and to conduct a dialogue on teaching quality. The results should be a building block for the further development of events and courses.

Information on teaching evaluation at the faculty

Course Information From the Faculty



Graduates' Day

Every year on the first Friday in December, Bielefeld University holds its Graduates' Day. As part of a celebration at the Faculty of Biology, we would like to congratulate all graduates of the respective year on the successful completion of their studies on this day.

The university invites you to the festively decorated university hall, the canteen or another location. The faculty celebrations are usually followed by a reception.

Reviews of the celebrations at the Faculty of Biology

Information on the Graduates' Day (in German)

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