Jacob Engelmann
We are seeking to understand how fishes navigate their environment using either electrical or hydrodynamical cues.
Olaf Kruse
We investigate the potential of microalgae for the utilization of light energy and CO2 for the biotechnological production of valuable compounds in fundamental and applied research projects.
Oliver Krüger
We study animal behaviour within the framework of the four questions of Tinbergen, both in the lab and in the field.
Barbara Caspers
We are mainly interested in the function and mechanism of chemical communication, the evolution of chemical cues in vertebrates and how relatedness is encoded in body odours.
Marco Niekampf
The collection focusses on the mid-European fauna, but samples from other regions are available as well. In research we are interested in plant-pollinator interactions.
Volker Dürr
Our overall goal in science is to understand the mechanisms underlying the control of natural movement and action sequences.
Giftedness and Talent Research
Claas Wegner
The department focuses on the one hand on training future teachers in biology and on the other hand on research into giftedness in the natural sciences and the advancement of gifted pupils in the natural sciences.
Botany & Cell Biology
Norbert Grotjohann
Botany & Cell Biology - Our Department focusses on teacher training and professionalisation for different school types.
Zoology & Human Biology
Matthias Wilde
In Biology Education, we are concerned with the acquisition of scientific literacy including teaching and learning of the methods and contents of biology.
Christian Kaltschmidt
A major interest is a deep understanding of the function of the transcription factor NF-kB (nuclear factor 'kappa-light-chain-enhancer' of activated B-cells) in the nervous system, especially in neurons, glia and neural stem cells.
Armin Hallmann
The major theme of our research is how single-cell organisms evolved into multicellular organisms with differentiated cells.
Caroline Müller
In our group we explore the role of natural products that are involved in the communication between individuals within one or different species and which influence ecological interactions.
Christoph Kayser
Our mission is to understand the neurophysiological and computational principles underlying conscious perception and decision making.
Andrea Bräutigam
Our group uses computer-based and lab-based methods to generate and analyze large datasets, such as transcriptomes, proteomes and metabolomes, and to construct metabolic and regulatory networks.
Klaus Reinhold
Our unifying theme is the study of behavioural traits important in pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection.
Joseph Hoffman
Bernd Weisshaar
We study the mechanisms that control the activity of sets of genes which are together required to synthesize a specific bio-compound in plants.
Volker Wendisch
We perform research in the field of molecular genetics and applied microbiology.
Martin Egelhaaf
We do research on visually guided orientation behaviour of insects. We aim to understand the underlying computational mechanisms.
Karl-Josef Dietz
Deregulation of cellular redox-homeostasis is a fundamental principle of reduced fitness, yield loss and disease development in all organisms.
Romy Schmidt-Schippers
The research goal of the Plant Biotechnology group is to decipher the molecular mechanisms with which plants manage to adapt to changing environmental conditions in the context of global climate change.
Karsten Niehaus
Genes, transcripts, proteins and metabolites are the physical building blocks of the cell.
The functional relations between these elements form a complex network of interactions that we call life.
Dorothee Staiger
RNA-based regulation emerges as a critical checkpoint in eukaryotic gene expression. Our international team focusses on the role of two major types of players, RNA-binding proteins and microRNAs.
Andres Acher
We are developing and investigating teaching practices of scientific modelling for pre-service teachers. Through these, we capture societal challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Meike Wittmann
Our research is focused on theoretical ecology and evolutionary biology, in particular on modelling interactions between ecological and evolutionary processes on various temporal and spatial scales.