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  • Biologische Sammlung

    © Universität Bielefeld


Yvonne Hiller

Doctorate student
Fig wasp communities

Pia Oremek

Doctorate student - Pollination in rubber plantations

Karolina Rupik

Scientific assistant
Bees and other Hymenoptera

Patrick Urban

Student assistant
Taxonomy of Viperidae

Yvonne Hardes

Guest scientist
Taxonomy of Cicadas

Dr. Arnhild Althof

BIOTA East-Africa

Claudia Heidsiek

REM catalogue Coleoptera


Dr. John Kasina

Economic value of pollination

Oliver Schwichtenberg

Pollinator Garden Concept
(State exam)

Dr. Thomas Bergsdorf

Fragmentation and pollination

Dr. Flora Njeri Namu

Stingless bees and Banana
wilt disease (Doctorate)

Dr. Melanie Hagen

Coordination - BIOTA 

Simon Githinji

Para-Ecologist - BIOTA
Kakamega Forest, Kenya

Constantin Schobloch

Lecture series on pollination

Dr. Mary W. Gikungu

Bee diversity and pollination

Caleb I. Analo

Para-Ecologist - BIOTA
Kakamega Forest, Kenya

Dr. Uli Zumkier

Invasive plants and pollination
Heracleum mantegazzianum

Dr. MaryLucy Oronje

Pollination of Kenyan Crops

Dr. Nils Hasenbein

Introgression in Acanthus

Julia Binkenstein

Pollination of Momordica

Philipp Erkeling

Morphology of Mantids

Dr. Michael v. Tschirnhaus

former Head of Department

Raum: W2-266
Telefon: +49 / (0)521-106-67317

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