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Genetics & Genomics of Plants

© Universität Bielefeld

Student Projects

Bachelor- and Master Thesis

If you are interested in writing your bachelor- or master thesis in our group, you should previously complete a project module (6 weeks). You work supervised by an experienced postgraduate or postdoc directly on a research project in the lab. This enables you to get to know the lab life, our group, the respective research project and important working techniques. You get a small sub-project within the respective research project, which is well to finish in the given time. You get 10 credit points for the project module. Thereby we get the opportunity to get to know you. Usually the project module merges into your bachelor- or master thesis.

In research you can get a picture of the different work groups and -scopes at the Chair of Genome Research wherein you can do your thesis. Previous to a personal talk, you ideally inform yourself of these scopes and form an opinion about your scope of interest. The current topics for bachelor- and master thesises change according to the state of research in the saparate areas of work. You get to know these in a personal talk with the project leaders in which we, of course, can answer your questions, too. There is no preliminary talk for project modules; the appointments are made individually.

For contact simply send an e-mail to the project leader of the respective area of work.

The request is noncommittal, we are happy about your interest!

[Hier Anpassungen einfügen]


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