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RNA Biology and Molecular Physiology

© Universität Bielefeld

Lab News

December 1st-6th, 2024: Martin presents our work on Protein-RNA interactions in plants at the Dagstuhl Seminar "Deep Learning for RNA Regulation and Multidimensional Transcriptomics".

Image: Dagstuhl Staff

September 3rd-5th, 2024: Julieta and Dorothee present our work at the PGRP meeting.

Image: Julieta Mateos

July 19th, 2024: Michel Heidecker visits our group to discuss the ANR-DFG RIBORES project

Image: Julieta Mateos

June 21st - 26th, 2024: Dorothee presents our work at the Gibbs Symposium on the honour of Prof. Xuemie Chen at ASPB2024 at Hawaii Convention Center.

Gibbs Symposium, Hawaii

June 7th, 2024: Congratulations, Sara!

Image: Martin Lewinski

April 10.-12. 2024: Dorothee presents our work at the symposium on 'Dynamics in chromatin organization & RNA regulation' in Gießen

Symposium "Dynamics in chromatin organization and RNA regulation"

March 04.-07. 2024: Julieta presents her work on alternative splicing during plant stress responses (MBP 2024) in Hennef

 Image: José Ugalde

January 26th 2024: Celebrating another new paper! This time in The Plant Cell.

Antagonistic effects of arginine methylation of LSM4 on alternative splicing during plant stress responses.

Photo: Alexander Steffen

December 19th 2023: Celebrating our new paper published in The Plant Journal!

Arabidopsis thaliana GLYCINE RICH RNA-BINDING PROTEIN 7 interaction with its iCLIP target LHCB1.1 correlates with changes in RNA stability and circadian oscillation.

Photo: Alexander Steffen

Januar 19th 2024: Group Dinner at il Monastero in Bielefeld

Photo: Sara Kamen

07.12.2023 Congratulations, Mareike!

November 2023 Daniel Careno visits our Lab for Plant iCLIP

Dorothee presents our work at the Symposium of SFB960 in Schwarzenfeld 6.-8.10.2023

Dorothee presents our work at the baRNA Club in Barcelona on September 14th

28.07.2023, Stephan was awarded the prestigious Heinrich Böll Fellowship for his Phd thesis, congratulations!

Foto: Stephan Weber

June 2023 Project Kick-off Meeting with the Crespi group in Paris

Foto: Thorsten Bergelt

06.-09.02 2023 Dorothee visits the conference Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP 2023) in Hennef

03.02.2023 Congratulations, Martin!

December 2022: Group Dinner at Kachelhaus in Bielefeld

Photo: Riaz Neissi

11.-14.09.2022: Dorothee presents the work of the group at RNA Transport meeting of the DFG Research Unit FOR2333 in Kaiserwerth

28.8.-01.09.22 Thorsten presents a poster at the International Conference of the German Society of Plant Sciences in Bonn

September 2022 - February 2023 Merle Weidner visits the Crespi group at the IPS2 in Paris

September 2022 - February 2023 Vanessa Thomé visits our Lab

Vanessa Thomé, from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, joins our lab as a DAAD scholarship recipient for a research stay as part of her PhD.

20.07.2022 We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon together

April 2022 Welcome Brett and Dave!

Brett Wadley and John Dave Aquino from Gail Preston's Lab, Linacre College, Department of Plant Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, join our lab for a research stay.

March 2022 Marlene visits Sascha Laubinger's Lab in Oldenburg

January - March 2022 Sara goes to Kopenhagen

Sara joins Sebastian Marquardt's Lab at the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The non-coding genome group in February 2022.

Foyer of the CPSC building.

28.01.2022 Farewell for Julieta and Family

11.01.2022 Julieta and family suprised Olga with a cake for her birthday!

¡Muchas gracias por el delicioso pastel! A todos nos gustó mucho :)

Congratulations, Valentin!

Valentin was awarded the price of the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) for his master thesis.

18th - 19th November 2021 Inaugural DBG Eduard Strasburger HOT TOPIC Workshop - It's in your RNA

Thank you all for participating in the Workshop!
Especially thanks to all the chairs, the speakers, the organizers and the technical support!
And congratulations to the 'Best Talk' winners Laura Arribas-Hernandez (Post-Doc) and Varvara Dikaya and Nabila El Arb (PhD).
We learned a lot about transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of RNA processing in plants.


04.11.2021 Farewell Dinner for Yamila

03.11.2021 GBM Lunch with Detlef Weigel

Many thanks to Detlef Weigel for his interesting talk: "A Mutation Is A Mutation Is A Mutation".

The central topic of the talk was the recent discovery of the Weigel lab that spontaneous mutations occur non-randomly and less frequently in essential genes. Based on these findings, the current perspective of applying targeted mutagenesis by CRISPR/Cas technology for plant breeding in the light of the EU legislation on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) was discussed.

The talk was part of the GBM Lunch Series and was hosted by Dorothee.

If you don't want to miss talks like this, please register for the GBM Lunch Series.

13.09.2021 Check out the Article about the Alexander von Humboldt Fellows in our Lab!

We are excited to have three Alexander von Humboldt Fellows, Dr. Julieta Mateos, Dr. Yamila Agrofoglio (both from IFIBYNE, Buenos Aires), and Dr. Marlene Reichel doing research in our lab.

Check out the interview on Bielefeld Campus Aktuell.

18th - 19th November 2021 It's in your RNA


Due to the current development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop is ONLINE ONLY!

More information about the invited speakers, schedule, and registration can be found at the DGB HOT TOPIC 2021 website.

Please follow #DBGHotTop2021 on twitter to keep up to date.

18th - 19th November 2021 It's in your RNA

Emerging new techniques to unravel transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation in plants on a global scale

We formally invite you to participate in the Inaugural DBG Eduard Strasburger HOT TOPIC Workshop organized by Dr. Marlene Reichel and Dr. Elisabeth Fitzek held at the Bielefeld University (ZiF).

More information about the invited speakers, schedule, and registration can be found at the DGB HOT TOPIC 2021 website.

Please follow #DBGHotTop2021 on twitter to keep up to date.

06.09. - 06.11.2021 Dr. Yamela Agrofoglio visits our Lab

Dr. Yamela Agrofoglio, from Instituto de Fisiologiá, Biologiá Molecular y Neurociencias (IFIBYNE), Ciudad Universitaria de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, joins our lab as a Alexander von Humboldt fellow for a research stay.

September 2020 - October 2021 Gabriel goes to Boston

Gabriel joins the group of Prof. Rudolf Jaenisch at the Whitehead Institute, Boston, USA.

July 2021 Congratulation Marlene!

The RNA society recognized Marlene's excellence in RNA research and awarded her with an RNA SOCIETY Poster Award at the 26th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society 2021 (On-line).

09.06.2021 Congrats Natalie!

PhD exam Natalie Williams.

1.-5.6.2021 Dorothee participates in the 85. CSH Symposium on Quantitative Biology

07.05.2021 Marlene presents her work at the 37. 'Wallenfelser Rundgespräche zur Pflanzenbiochemie'

16.12.20 Retirement Dean of Faculty

We celebrate the end of Dorothee´s Deanship - adding just another bottle to the collection dedicated to extraordinary events of our group.

Many thanks to the new Dean, Jacob Engelmann, for the chocolate cake!

04.12.2020 Congratulations!

As Dean of Faculty, Dorothee had the pleasure to hand over the awards of the (German) Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, GBM), the German Society for Plant Sciences (Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, DBG), and Friedrich Wilhelm Hellweg Foundation to this year´s best Master students. Unfortunately, the celebration took place only virtually.

15.09.2020 Enjoying the last rays of sunshine this summer!

25.07.2020 iGEM India Biosummit 2020

Janina was the Chairperson in the Commitee 'Prevention of Biowarfare' in this year's iGEM India Biosummit. At the center of discussion where the topics Biosafety and Biosecurity with many questions focussing on Covid-19. Proposals were developed on how the education and sensitisation of research scientists could be improved internationally and at university level regarding these topics. Furthermore, suggestions were elaborated on how institutions could be established to standardize and improve risk assessment and risk minimization.

26.06.2020 Second Status Meeting of the Project "UPA" per zoom in Corona times.

19.06.2020 Congrats Christiane!

PhD exam Christiane Nöh.

03.-05.03.2020 - Kick off meeting for our joint Beethoven Life project "UPA - U1 snRNP and polyadenlytion in plants - a novel liaison" with the Jarmołowski lab at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

October 2019 - February 2020 Anna goes to London, Canada

Anna Spierling joins the lab of Jeremy Burton at the Lawson Health Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, to work on Metformin and its influence on CaOx stone formation and life span of Drosophila melanogaster.

11. - 14. February 2020 Dorothee attends the 33th conference on Molecular Biology of Plants in Dabringhausen

© Pavlína Miklankova

Please find the full conference Report on the [German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG)] website.

September 2019 - July 2020 Chantal goes to Glasgow

Chantal Potrafke joins the lab of Hugh Nimmo and Allan Jones in Glasgow to work on plant circadian rhythms.

September 2019 - January 2020 Katharina and Rebekka go to Copenhagen

Katharina Grunert and Rebecca Wolf join the lab of Sebastian Marquardt at the Copenhagen Plant Science Center.

02.01.2020 Check out Marlene's Interview!

Read the interview on Universität Bielefeld Aktuell

October-December 2019 Annika goes to Stockholm

Annika Wunsch joins the group of Professor Ralph Knöll at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, to work on cardiomyopathies.

13.12.2019 Congrats Kasia!

PhD exam Katarzyna Krowicka.

11.12.2019 Dr. Tom Laloum presents his work.

Dr. Tom Laloum, from the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC), Lisbon, Portugal, concluded his second reasearch stay in our lab and presented his work 'Regulation of ABA-mediated stress responses by SR protein splicing factors in Arabidopsis'.

06.12.2019 Absolvententag 2019.

As the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Dorothee guided the graduate students and their families trough the event.

Congrats, Katharina! Katharina was awarded the price of the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) for her master thesis 'Feasibility of CAM Engineering in C3 Plants'!

November 2019 The group of our collaboration partner, Feng Yu, meets with Dorothee in Shenzhen.

November 2019 - Dorothee presents our work at the 4th Sino-German Symposium on RNA biology Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, organized by Prof. Wei Chen and Prof. Markus Landthaler

26.09.2019 Lisa-Marie Schmid visits our Lab.

Lisa-Marie Schmid, Dorothee´s Mentee from 'Biozentrum der LMU München', Department Biologie I - Botanik, visited us and presented us her work 'PUMPKIN and its role in chloroplast RNA metabolism'.

25.09.2019 Dorothee attends the Fairwell Symposium of Prof. Renate Scheibe at the University of Osnabrück.

Photos: Renate Scheibe, Osnabrück

20.09.2019 Arantxa Rojas visits our Lab.

Arantxa Rojas, from the Palatnik Lab, Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario, Argentina, visited us and presented us her work 'Identification of key sequence features required for microRNA biogenisis in plants'.

13.09.2019 Belgian-Bielefeld Meeting: RBP Workshop 2019

Thanks to Frank Van Breusegem for the invitation to and Zhicheng Zhang for organizing the RBP Workshop 2019.
We learned a lot and hope to see you all soon!

Back row, left to right: Zhicheng Zhang, Frank Van Breusegem, Sam Balzarini, Mareike Elgner, Dorothee Staiger.
Front row, left to right: Xingliang Duan, Meixia Li, Koen Geuten, Tino Köster, Olga Schmidt, Marlene Reichel.

After the workshop, Kai Xun Chan and Su Yin Phua took us out for dinner. Afterwards we marveled at Gents beauty.

Marlene, Mareike and Olga also stayed the weekend, travelling to Bruges...

... and enjoyed the big finale of the OdeGand music festival in Gent.

05.09.2019 Lab Excursion 2019 - Duisburg, Landschaftspark-Nord

08.08.2019 Never forget a Tradition!

We honoured our tradition and went to Lorenzos's for ice cream.

15.07.2019 Meixia Li visits our Lab.

Meixia Li, KU Leuven visited us and presented us her work 'The effect of ambient temperature on model plant Brachypodium distachyon and mRNA-bound proteomes in plants'.

Big Celebration Time!

Congrats Marlene!

Marlene was awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers.

And congratulations, Mareike and Alex!

Their paper 'Regulation Of Flowering Time By The RNA-binding Proteins AtGRP7 And AtGRP8' was published.

02.-05.07.2019 SEB Seville 2019 - Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Spain.

Paula Duque, Maria Kalyna and John Brown organized a session on impact and function of alternative splicing in plants. As part of the session, Dorothee presented our work in her talk 'Ribonomics to unravel posttranscriptional networks in Arabidopsis'.

Dorothee at a panel discussion. From left to right: John Brown, Dorothee Staiger, Martin Crespi.

Martin Crespi and Dorothee having a lively conversation at dinner.

Dorothee, Craig Simspon and Allan James visit the Parasol. From left to right: Allan James, Dorothee Staiger, Craig Simpson.

28.06. - 30.06.2019 The Junior GBM City Group Bielefeld organizes this year´s Symposium of the Junior GBM

Click [here] to register for the Symposium.

Dorothee Staiger and Thomas Dierks, here with the Orga Team, serve as contact persons for the Bielefeld City Group. More information on the [Blog], on [twitter], and on [facebook].

11.-16.06.2019 Dorothee and Marlene attend the 24th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society in Krakow, Poland.

23.-25.5.2019 Wallenfelser Rundgespräche zur Pflanzenbiochemie

Dorothee attends Wallenfelser Rundgespräche and presents our work.

Photo: Wallenfels, Universität Bayreuth

22.05.2019 Labvolution 2019, Hannover

A few of us visited the Labvolution to keep up to date with innovative lab equipment and to listen to selected talks.

29.04.-03.05.2019 Seventh Brazilian Symposium on Plant Molecular Genetics, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo.

Dorothee and Maria Helena de Souza Goldman at the Seventh Brazilian Symposium on Plant Molecular Genetics.

The group of Maria Helena de Souza Goldman.

Throwback Tuesday: Scientific Weavers

Back in February, when Prof. Dr. Zofia Szweykowska-Kulinska visited us, her and Dorothee visited one of Bielefeld's landmarks, the 'Leineweberdenkmal', in the historic quarter of Bielefeld.

18.-20.03.2019 Dorothee presents our work at Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation in Plants 2019 (PGRP2019), held at the Todaji Cultural Center in Nara, Japan.

Dorothee visiting the Sika deer at Nara Park with Haijing Jin and Martin Crespi.

October 2018-March 2019 Christiane goes to Fukuoka

Christiane Karasev joins Professor Tomonao Matsushita's lab at Kyushu University, faculty for agriculture, to work on phytochrome mediated RRC1-dependent alternative splicing in concert with RRIP.

October 2018-February 2019 Luisa goes to Copenhagen

Luisa Wittemeier joins Sebastian Marquardt's work group at Copenhagen's Plant Science Center to work on the effects of transcription speed on GRP7 and GRP8 expression in Arabidopsis thaliana.

18.-21.02.2019 Dorothee attends the 32th conference on Molecular Biology of Plants in Dabringhausen. As last years host and this years co-organizer, Dorothee gave the Farewell Lecture on 'The ups and downs and byways of circadian biology'.

October 2018-January 2019 Paulina goes to Barcelona

Paulina Lukomska joins Ignacio Rubio-Somoza's work group at the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), Spain, to work on Cas-induced gene silencing at RNA level in plants.

04.02.2019 Prof. Dr. Zofia Szweykowska-Kulinska from the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, visits Bielefeld

07.12.2018 Absolvententag

As dean Dorothee lead through the celebration of the faculty of biology. Congrats to all our students who successfully completed their thesis this year in our department.

Photo: Nina Hinkers

14.- 29.11.2018 UN Biodiversity Conference

Janina Lüders attended the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP14) in Egypt in 2018 as an After iGEM delegate, taking part in policy making with global influence. Together with Ana Sifuentes (iGEM Headquarter, USA), Justin Vigar (Canada), Aiswarya Prasad (India) and Nina Jerala (Slovenia) she was asked to speak at the side event “LMOs, Synbio and DSI: Experiences from farmers and young scientists” (LMO= Living modified organisms, DSI: Digital Sequence Information).

From left to right: Justin Vigar, Ana Sifuentes, Aiswarya Prasad, Janina Lüders, and Nina Jerala

Janina engaged with global policy makers, stakeholders, the scientific community, several NGOs and others to engage in the process of achieving the Aichi biodiversity targets, to develop the post-2020 biodiversity framework and to discuss the application and implementation of several frameworks in the scientific world, such as Nagoya and Cartagena protocol. She met with the German delegation to the Conference and discussed the impact on the national scientific community with them.

This great learning experience that truly was a life changing event highlighted the importance of human practices as well as networking and collaboration of all stakeholders in international policy and diplomacy. Janina is very grateful for this experience and opportunity to be one of the voices of young scientists at this event with great impact on global policy.

Last but not least, the perks of attending this conference hosted by the Egyptian Government in Sharm-El-Sheik came with the opportunity to enjoy the lovely scenery of Egypt!

24.-27.09.2018 Dorothee visits Paula Duque in Portugal

Dorothee visits Paula and her group at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência in Oeiras and enjoys lifely discussions with all the collaborators on their fascinating projects.

19.09.2018 Lab Excursion 2018 - Dr. Oetker

07.09.2018 Congrats to Katja!

Katja wins Best Paper Prize in Plant Sciences 2018 awarded by the Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft for our iCLIP publication.

Tweet by Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft.

Notice by Bielefeld University.

Read the publication in Genome Biology.

01.08.2018 International Young Investigator Symposium Bielefeld

Dr. Marlene Reichel from the ETH Zürich visits Bielefeld.

On July 19th, Dr. Rachel Green (Hebrew University) visits our group

18.07.2017 Congrats to Christine!

PhD exam Christine Nolte.

May 2018 Congrats to Laura!

Laura Arribas-Hernández was awareded an EMBO short term scholarship for a research stay in our lab.

09.05.2018 Weather for ice cream!

03.-05.05.2018 Wallenfelser Rundgespräche zur Pflanzenbiochemie

Dorothee and Katja attend Wallenfelser Rundgespräche. Katja presents her work on RNA-protein interactions.

Photo: Universität Bayreuth

24.04.2018 Dr. Kathi Zarnack from the Goethe University Frankfurt visits Bielefeld

28.03.2018 Prof. Dr. John WS Brown from the James Hutton Institute, Dundee, visits Bielefeld

14.-16.03.2018 III. International PP1530 Symposium: Genetic Variation of Flowering Time Genes and Applications for Crop Improvement

Dorothee and Mikael report on work on flowering time control in our group.

Photo: PP1530

07.03.2018 Frankfurter Allemeine Zeitung reports on MBP2018

The article highlights new developments to achieve transgene-free genome editing in crops, presented by Prof. Caixia Gao. The article also emphasizes the importance of non-coding RNAs and RNA-based regulation for plant performance.

Read the full article in the FAZ.

23.02.2018 It was our pleasure to host the 31st conference Molecular Biology of Plants in Dabringhausen!

15.02.2018 We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 31st conference Molecular Biology of Plants in Dabringhausen next week!

Visit the conference webpage.

16.01.2018 Jun. Prof. Dr. Michaela Müller-McNicoll from the Goethe University Frankfurt visits Bielefeld

13.12.2017 Thanks to the research_tv team!

The research_tv team of Bielefeld University produced a feature on the circadian clock and our work.

Photo: Bielefeld University

01.12.2017 Congrats to Nina!

Congratulations to Nina Kim Stoffel who was awarded the prize of the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) for her excellent Master's degree!

Photo: Bielefeld University/Ch. Weische

14.11.2017 Celebration of our recent publication on iCLIP in Genome Biology

A recent article on our work in the Westfalen-Blatt.

Publication in Genome Biology.

18.-20.10.2017 Alexander von Humboldt Network Meeting Bielefeld

AvH fellows visit the Chair of RNA Biology and Molecular Physiology. Dorothee, Tino and Mikael organize a seminar where the fellows present their work and lead a guided tour through the growth facilites and the greenhouses.

10.-14.10.2017 SFB 960 symposium

Dorothee attends symposium of SFB 960 The Biology of RNA-Protein Complexes in Regensburg and presents our work on iCLIP and RIP-seq.

Photo: SFB 960

October 2017-February 2018 Ilsa goes to Dundee

Ilsa Schneider joins Gordon Simpson's work group at the University of Dundee, Scotland, to work on mutants of the autonomous pathway and the m6A complex.

October 2017-February 2018 Sara visits Dundee

Sara Kobusch joins Prof. John Brown's research group at the James Hutton Institute, University of Dundee in Scotland, to examine the regulation of alternative splicing in cold response.

October 2017-February 2018 Britta and Paul go to Bern

Britta Wenzel and Paul Kunath join Dr. Christoph Lippuner at the Inselspital Bern to work on miRNA regulated gene expression in the immune system.

October 2017-January 2018 Melina visits Uppsala

Melina Martin joins Per Jemth's research group at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology in Uppsala, Sweden, to work on structure-function relationships of proteins.

October 2017-January 2018 Ramona works in Manchester

Ramona Reichelt joins the group of Dr. Miriam Smith at the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital, University of Manchester, UK. She is involved in sequencing to identify mutations associated with tumours.

27.+28.09.2017 Tino and Katja attend IGC symposium

Tino and Katja attend the IGC Symposium on Plant RNA Biology in Oeiras (Portugal) and present their work on RNA-protein interactions.

Photo: SFB 960

18.07.2017 Congrats to Katja!

PhD exam Katja Meyer.

20.-23.06.2017 Dorothee, Alex and Mikael attend the International Workshop on Genome Engineering and Epigenetic Variation of Flowering Time Genes at the IPK in Gatersleben

Alex and Mikael present their work on flowering time control on the 6th annual consortium meeting of the DFG Priority Program Flowering Time Control - From Natural Variation to Crop Improvement.

Congratulations to Kasia!

Kasia was awarded the Helmut-Skowronek-Stipendium for Polish PhD students at Bielefeld University.

18.-20.05.2017 Wallenfelser Rundgespräche zur Pflanzenbiochemie

Dorothee attends Wallenfelser Rundgespräche.

17.05.2017 Lab Excursion 2017 - Labvolution

21.04.2017 Masterpieces of our highly motivated bachelor students!

23.03.2017 Farewell Dinner with Julieta

21.-24.02.2017 Dorothee, Katja and Martin attend 30th conference on Molecular Biology of Plants in Dabringhausen

Katja presents her work on RNA-protein interactions.

Participants of the 30th conference in Dabringhausen.

Reinhold von Sengbusch Awards for the best posters and talks of the conference.

A warm welcome to Dr. Julieta Mateos, Fundación Instituto Leloir, Alexander-von-Humboldt fellow in February/March 2017!

02.12.2016 Congratulations to Janina!

Janina Lüders who was awarded the price of the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) for the best Master degree in Molecular Cell Biology.

November 2016 A warm welcome to Natalie!

Visiting scientist Natalie Williams from UC Riverside (California, USA) joins the lab to study the SRR1 protein together with Mikael.

October 2016 – March 2017 Paul visits Bern

Paul Kunath joins the lab of Dr. Christoph Lippuner at the Inselspital in Berne.

October 2016 – January 2017 Nina goes to Poznan

Nina Härting joins the lab of Prof. Zofia Szweykowska-Kulińska at AMU, Poznan, to work with Dr. Jakub Donata.

October 2016 – February 2017 Peter works in Glasgow

Peter Hombach joins the lab of Prof. Dr. John Christie, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology of the University of Glasgow, to work on photobiology and optogenetics.

October 2016 – March 2017 Cassandra visits Stockholm

Cassandra Cieslak joins the lab of Prof. Dr. Hendrik Druid at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, to work in forensic medicine.

October 2016 – March 2017 Nina goes to Knoxville

Nina Pfisterer joins the lab of Prof. Frank Löffler, University of Tennessee.

October 2016 – March 2017 Louisa works in San Diego

Louisa Habich joins the lab of Prof. Stephan Lange, School of Cardiovascular Medicine, UCSD.

Olga's (and Mareike's) Bachelor and Janina's Master was celebrated with a Cell...fie

28.-30.09.2016 4. Post-EURASNET Meeting in Poznan

Dorothee presents work on posttranscriptional control in Arabidopsis.

16.09.2016 Lab Excursion 2016 - Hermannsdenkmal

August 2016 Ice cream

18.01.2016 Prof. Dr. Rob McClung from Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH visits Bielefeld

Rob McClung gives an expert talk on Biological timing - wie die innere Uhr unser Leben steuert (ekVV 205078).

15.12.2015 Christmas Party

November 2015 – February 2016 Marius goes to Portugal

Marius Brechtenkamp joins the lab of Dr. Paula Duque at the Insituto Gulbenkian to work on splicing factors in Arabidopsis thaliana.

November 2015 – February 2016 Mareike visits Paris

Mareike Busche joins the lab of Prof. Martin Crespi at the Université Paris Sud to work on microRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana roots.

November 2015 – March 2016 Dilek works in Manchester

Dilek Batur joins the lab of Dr. Christian Heintzen and Dr. Sue Crosthwaite at Manchester University to work on circadian rhythms in Neurospora crassa.

October 2015 – February 2016 Olga goes to Dundee

Olga Schmidt joins the lab of Prof. Gordon Simpson at the James Hutton Institute to work on RNA-based regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana.

27.07.2015 Farewell Dinner with Tejasvinee

10.+11.07.2015 Katja and Dorothee attend Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Plants Conference in Paris, France.

July 2015 Ice cream

A warm welcome to Tejasvinee!

DAAD scholar Tejasvinee Mody (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali) joins the lab for a research project.

06.02.2015 Congrats to Alex!

PhD exam Alexander Steffen.

18.12.2014 Congratulations to Tino!

PhD exam Tino Köster.

November 2014 – March 2015 Janis and Natalie visit Manchester

Janis Miyanji and Natalie Kobi join the lab of Dr. Christian Heintzen at Manchester University to work on circadian rhythms in Neurospora crassa.

October 2014 – March 2015 Tim works in Knoxville

Tim Lohoff joins the lab of Albrecht von Arnim to work on translational control and circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Lab Excursion 2014 - Freilichtmuseum Detmold

Stefan Lichtenberger (FH Krems) joins the lab for a research project

30.06. - 02.07.2014 Katja and Dorothee present the work of the group at the Post-transcriptional Gene Expression Regulation in Plants Conference in Poznan, Poland

06.02.2015 Congrats to Christian!

PhD exam Christian Hackmann.

June 2014 Ice cream

II. International Symposium: Genetic Variation of Flowering Time Genes and Applications for Crop Improvement

Symposium held at Bielefeld University March 24-26 2014. Local organizing committee: Dorothee Staiger, Daniela Holtgräwe, Selahattin Danisman.

12.-14.07.2013 Tino Köster and Katja Meyer attend RNA-Meeting in Wittenberg, organized by Christian Hammann, Bremen, and Dorothee Staiger, Bielefeld

Tunde Nyiko from Daniel Silhavy's lab visited the clocklab to do experiments with Tino

17.10.2012 The Clocklab presents research activities on Biological timing in plants to the public during the ScienceCafe

The ScienceCafe was organized by Johanna Leuner, Patrick Piecha (Bielefeld Stadtmarketing) and Martin Knabenreich (Radio Bielefeld).

04.-06.10.2012 Meeting of the GBM study group RNA Biochemistry

Congratulations to Martina for winning the poster prize!

NAR Awards 2012

21.09.2012 The clocklab welcomes a delegation from Yokohama City University

Prof Shinsuke Kutsuna and eleven graduates students were visiting research institutions in Northern Germany including the 'Forschungszentrum Jülich' and Bielefeld University. Prof. Kutsuna has made significant contributions to the field of circadian rhythms, the main reserach topic also in our lab. The students had a tour through the lab and discussed their projects with students from Bielefeld University.

18.05.2012 Fascination of plants day

29. Wallenfelser Rundgespräche zur Pflanzenbiochemie May 2012

Christin Korneli presents her work.

13.04.2012 Congratulations to Christin!

PhD exam Christin Korneli.

22.12.2011 Congratulations to Kornelia!

PhD exam Kornelia Voß.

19.12.2011 Congrats to Sela!

PhD defense Selahattin Danisman.

28. Wallenfelser Rundgespräch zur Pflanzenbiochemie Mai 2011

Martina Lummer presents her work.

Lab excursion 2011 - Zoo Osnabrück

The group 2011

The clocklab welcomes Oana Ciuzan from USAMV Klausenburg, Rumaenia. She is a stipend of Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.

Lab excursion 2010 - Velmerstot, Silbermühle

Congrats to Martina!

PhD exam Martina Lummer.

February - April 2010: Research stay of Christin Korneli in the Alfano lab, Nebraska University, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

The group 2009

Visit of Prof. Jim Alfano 2009 - Olderdissen

Lab excursion 2009 - Bad Salzuflen

20. International Arabidopsis Conference - Edinburgh 2009

Sommerfest 2009

Renzo's famous ice cream

Poster prize Corinna Streitner - Dabringhausen 2009

Lab excursion 2008

Christmas 2008 - Feuerzangenbowle

17.10.2008 PhD exam Daniel Pietsch

Poster session 2008 at CeBiTec

07.02.2008 PhD exam Corinna Streitner

01.02.2008 PhD exam Jan Schöning

Lab excursion 2007 - Hücker Moor

Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology - Aussois 2007

Lab excursion 2006 - Zoo Hannover

Lab excursion 2005 - Oerlinghausen

The group 2005

Verabschiedung von Frau Prof. Pistorius 2004

Lab excursion 2003 - Bückeburg castle

Student course 2003

[Hier Anpassungen einfügen]


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