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  • Contributions to the History of Concepts

    Photo: Frederik Schröer

Manuscript Submission

Contributions to the History of Concepts is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that serves as a platform for theoretical and methodological articles as well as empirical studies on the history of concepts and their social, political, and cultural contexts. The editorial board welcomes contributions. Authors should submit articles as word attachments by e-mail, formatted as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format files, along with complete contact information to Ensure your article conforms to our requirements (Contributions Style Guide).

Normally, Contributions to the History of Concepts will not consider for publication articles previously published elsewhere, whether in print or online, whether in English or in some other language. Articles made available via open-access repositories are considered published. The journal will not publish articles structured as interviews.

It is a condition of publication in Contributions that authors grant an exclusive license to the journal. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain print and online permission to quote material from third-party sources and to cover any costs incurred in securing these rights. The editors should be alerted at the earliest opportunity as to any difficulty in securing these third-party rights.

Have other questions? Please refer to the various Berghahn Info for Authors pages for general information and guidelines, including topics such as article usage and permissions for Berghahn journal article authors.

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