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AG Hofmanova

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

The SPDEvent 2022

Event for PhDs and PostDocs in SPDEs

September 07 - 09, 2022

Bielefeld University


The SPDE community is growing faster and faster with ever expanding topics and methods. Building a network is a crucial step especially in the early stage of the academic career. The SPDEvent provides a platform for everyone to get to know each other, exchange ideas and present own research. Foster old connections and make new ones in a casual, informal and welcoming environment.

Picture of all participants

General information


The SPDEvent will take place in the lecture hall H11 on the ground floor of the main building. Detailed maps of the campus and the building can be found here.

Travel & Accomodation

Travel directions to the university can be found here. Note that on public transport, wearing a medical face mask is still required.

Most participants are accomodated at the Comfort Garni Hotel (Bahnhofstraße 32, 33602 Bielefeld, webpage).


The Social Dinner will take place on Thursday, September 8th, at 19:00 at Numa (Obernstraße 26, 33602 Bielefeld, webpage).


Currently in Germany, there are no Covid regulations in place except wearing a medical face mask on public transport and trains; however, we recommend everyone to at least wear a medical face mask inside.

Further inquiries

Please contact spdevent*dot*bielefeld*at*gmail*dot*com or the organizers directly.


Program overview


Duration: 20 minutes each, including questions

Academia today

This session shall serve as an informal get-together to exchange experiences in the academic world. We will have short introductions to different systems and encourage everyone to share their stories.

This event is supported by

ERC Horizon 2020
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