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Human-centered Artificial Intelligence> Teaching

Photo: Michael Dziedzic/Unsplash

Open Positions

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If you would like to join our group, you can subscribe to our newsletter: We announce all open positions, thesis, and internships via this.

We are always looking for highly-motivated and talented students with strong knowledge of Python and/or web development, who want to write their thesis or do projects in our group. Just e-mail us! Current theses on offer can be found further down on this page.


We offer courses for undergraduate and graduate students of the Technical Facutly in the area of multimodal behavior processing. Our seminars are research-oriented, combine practical exercises with theoretical input and give insight in current debates in the field. Starting in SoSe22, we will also offer a lecture for the module 39-M-Inf-MBP. Furthermore, we supervise individual projects or master theses. If you are interested in doing a project, an internship or writing your thesis, just contact us directly.

Past courses

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