In the context of economic implications of smart products and smart systems, iTIME members deal with the following, partly overlapping, research topics (this list not being exhaustive):
Focus on consumers:
Adoption barriers
Willingness to pay
Recommendation behavior
Trust formation
Usage diffusion
Focus on companies:
New business models
Continuous updates of smart systems
Persisting customer relationship
Roles of intermediaries (people, companies or platforms)
Firm-internal effects with respect to, for instance, supply chain management, research & development, recruitment of (e.g., software) specialists, changes of organizational structures
Outsourcing of the novel business activities to spin-offs or cooperation with start-ups
Markets and Industries
Focus on markets and industries:
Transformation of existing markets as well as creation of new markets
Network effects and emergence of (dominant) eco-systems
Coordination between competitors or producers from different industries
Impact of competition policy and governmental regulation