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Endowed Chair of Management of family businesses

Prof. Dr. Christina Hoon

© Universität Bielefeld

Welcome to the Endowed Chair!

The Endowed Chair of Business Administration and Family Business Management was founded on the initiative of several family businesses and institutions in the region of Ostwestfalen-Lippe, the University Society Bielefeld, and the University of Bielefeld. The endowed chair aims to advance research in the field of family businesses and strengthen family businesses in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region.

Prof. Dr. Christina Hoon

© Universität Bielefeld

Current Topics

The Family Business Institute 

The Family Business Institute offers you a systematic, scientifically structured approach to managing family firms and provides you, your employees, and family members with the skill set needed. We open conversations, via research publications as well as regular events, thus inspiring and supporting you to address your family firms’ challenges and opportunities. As an interdisciplinary institute, we offer expertise and research findings from the perspectives of management, law, and taxes.

For further information visit our institute's website.


Succession in family firms

We strive to support the economic development of family firms in the region of Northern Germany, in particular in the region of Ostwestfalen Lippe. A structured succession process as well as leadership and good governance are key factors for family firms to secure a successful future. Our Institute scientifically explores how family firms thrive in both topics and secure their growth over generations. With these findings in mind, we help to achieve a firm’s transformation into the next generation of successors along with timely governance. We bring together potential successors from the next generation and support them in the succession process. We help members from the Now-Generation to start and manage a successful succession process. We support family firms in their governance processes; with our expertise, we create conversations on the topic of good governance and we are a reliable partner when it comes to helping families to refresh their governance structures, e.g., in times of crisis.


Bringing succession research into praxis to offer solutions for today’s family firm challenges

Developing and Implementing a systematic succession process to achieve a successful succession is a necessity for many family firms. For this reason, the Family Business Institute conducts research on these topics and, based on the findings, offers workshops and programs for members of family firms and successors alike. Furthermore, we are happy to support you and your company in the process of succession. We help family firms in formulating a family constitution or in their decision-making about who and in what way the next generations should take over responsibility. We assist you and your company with a structured methodology for each step of the succession process and help to develop your next-gen’s competencies.

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