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Stiftungslehrstuhl Führung von Familienunternehmen

Prof. Dr. Christina Hoon

© Universität Bielefeld


New face

We warmly welcome Lara Düsterhus to our team in the position of iFUN Institute Manager. Lara knows the institute well through her work as a student assistant. After completing her Master's degree at Bielefeld University, she has now been part of our team since 01/10/2014!

Donor Report 2023

Dear Friends and Sponsors of the Endowed Chair, Dear Interested Parties,

Here you will find our current endowment report, in which we report on current activities in research and teaching.

Enjoy browsing!

Donor Report 2023


The Institute for Family Business is active on Linkedin. You can access the page here or via the QR code.

We look forward to your visit.



Donor Report 2022

Donor Report 2022

New secretary's office

Since 1 August 2022, there has been a new face at the Endowed Chair. Laura Brzoska will support us in the secretary's office and will continue to be the close link between the Endowed Chair and the Chair for Human Resource and Family Business Management of Prof. Dr. Kai Bormann.

Welcome to the team!

Donor Report 2020/2021

Donor Report 2020/2021

Study on toxic leadership behaviour and company performance

Companies should not ignore or tolerate bad leadership behaviour by their managers! In a current news study we show that bad leadership behaviour of individuals has a "toxic effect" as it poisons the leadership climate in companies. A bad leadership climate reduces employee satisfaction and thus company performance. Therefore, bad leadership costs money.

There are also bad bosses in family businesses. But compared to non-family businesses, bad leadership causes less damage due to less rigid hierarchies and the values of the entrepreneurial family. For all businesses, this means not simply sitting out bad leadership. Instead, it is important to develop an awareness for constructive leadership and to invest in professional leadership programmes.

(Study as a cooperation of the universities of Trier, Bielefeld and RW Berlin University of Applied Sciences on the basis of approx. 40,000 qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the employer evaluation platform

Workshop on shareholder competence

In cooperation with the Ostwestfalen Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Bielefeld, workshops are held to support and develop you in your role as partners in the succession process.


In the past, it was often said in family businesses: from father to son. That was the "old world". Today, many family businesses no longer have just one, but many shareholders. But not all of them are operative: many concentrate on their role as owners. The challenges of the "new world" demand competence and professionalism from all shareholders.

A healthy family business does not only have a capable management. Its foundation is a stable entrepreneurial family and competent shareholders. Only those shareholders who are able to assess the legal, fiscal and economic circumstances of the company will be able to perform their role as co-owners for the benefit of the company and their family.

Our invitation is addressed to shareholders who wish to competently exercise their important role in the family business. We offer you a young, experienced team of speakers who will combine their practical experience with theory and enrich it with field reports.

You are cordially invited to work out your role in the family business together with us and other shareholders in a protected setting.

Prof. Dr Christina Hoon, Prof. Dr Anne Sanders, Dr Sebastian von Thunen and Ute Horstkötter-Starke

Donor Report 2018/ 2019

Donor Report 2018/ 2019



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