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The conference will take place in Bielefeld, a lovely town in the center of East Westphalia, which is the home of numerous highly successful small and medium-sized enterprises with several of them being "hidden champions" in their industries. Bielefeld University in particular hosts the Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) as well as the Institute of Technological Innovation, Market Development and Entrepreneurship (iTIME), which are concerned with engineering and economic issues of smart products and services.

Conference venue

The conference takes place in the CITEC Building at Bielefeld University.

What else to do in Bielefeld and its vicinity

As one of Germany's twenty largest cities, Bielefeld offers many sights and tourist attractions. Here, you find more information on places to visit in Bielefeld.

Bielefeld is conveniently located in terms of transport. Comfortably, you can reach metropolises such as Berlin and Hamburg within a 2.5 hours train ride. This advantageous location offers you the possibility to connect your conference visit with a weekend trip to one of these famous cities.

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