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Auswirkungen von chemischer Diversität auf Wechselwirkung zwischen Pflanze und Umwelt: von der Ökologie zu den Metaboliten

© Universität Bielefeld

Implications of chemical diversity in plant-environment interactions: from ecology to metabolites

Graphic on interactions between plants and the environment
© Universität Bielefeld

Plants possess the fascinating ability to adapt to their environment. Yet, chemical responses to (a)biotic constraints are mainly thought to be species-specific and the role of chemodiversity remains unclear. I apply predictive metabolomics to Andean and Alpine multi-species datasets to explore the implications of chemodiversity in stress gradients and to test for convergent metabolic responses. In addition, I use the highly chemodiverse species Tanacetum vulgare and the fast-cycling species Brassica rapa to study the role of chemodiversity in plant-herbivores and plant-pollinator interactions.

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