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Genetics of Prokaryotes

© Universität Bielefeld


Our team is involved in national and international cooperation:


    Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, a project funded by ERACoBioTech.


    • Wageningen Plant Research, BU Bioscience, The Netherlands (coordination)
    • Wageningen University – Systems and Synthetic Biology, The Netherlands
    • National Institute of Biology – Biotechnology and Systems Biology, Slovenia
    • Axxence GmbH – Axxence Aromatic GmbH, Germany
  • C1Pro

    Microbial conversion of C1 to value-added products by integrated systems and synthetic biology, a project funded by ERACoBioTech.

    • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (coordination)
    • INSA - Institut National des Sciences appliquées de Toulouse, France
    • BASF SE, Germany
    • SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway
    • Acies Bio d.o.o., Slovenia
  • CoQ10

    Biotechnological production of coenzyme Q10.

    • Kyungsung University - Department of Food Science & Biotechnology, Busan, South Korea

    Direkte Verwertung von Reststoffen aus der Landwirtschaft für die Produktion von alpha,omega-Diaminen und alpha,omega-Aminosäuren: Stamm- und Prozessentwicklung mit Corynebacterium glutamicum, a project funded by BMBF.

    • National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), India

    A project funded by BMBF.

    • National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), India
  • MetApp

    Systems biology of bacterial methylotrophy for biotechnological products from methanol, a project funded by the EU (FP7).


    • SINTEF, Norway (coordination)
    • ETH Zürich, Swizerland
    • INSA, France
    • SINTEF TTO (formerly called SINVENT, Norway)


Products from methanol by synthetic cell factories, a project funded by the EU (FP7).



A Synthetic Biology Approach for Engineering of Bacterial Methylotrophy (SynMet), a project funded by ESF.



Bio-based production of chemical building blocks: Corynebacterium glutamicum as a platform for new and efficient bioprocesses, a project funded by ERA-IB.


DNA microarray analysis and management of Canola rhizosphere bacterial populations

Partner: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brasil

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