Information on exciting activities, events, complementary offers, career guidance, thesis topics and much more...
Starting your studies: Informationen and link lists of the university
Things to know about starting your studies
Studying in Bielefeld - International students
Topics of Master's theses are often directly linked to current research developments. We have compiled a selection of abstracts and topics from previous theses.
Master research projects can cover a wide range of topics. The list grows and grows and grows ...
Visual abstracts present Master's theses in graphic form. Here, you can explore the research findings that our graduates have already contributed to.
Graduates of the degree programme often receive prizes, in recognition of their achievements.
Within the degree programme, students already have opportunities to explore various professional fields and gain insights into potential career paths. Additionally, the following options are available to offer you an insight into diverse working environments:
Furthermore, students and graduates frequently share their professional experiences as a valuable resource of insights.
Here is a nationwide as well as a local selection of companies that may be suitable for graduates on their career journey:
List (in the course-related "Moodle"-room login required; please ask the programme coordinator for access data)