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Linus Behn

Postal address Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Mathematik
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33615 Bielefeld
Office D5-150
Phone +49 (0)521 106-2971
Office hours by appointment
Short CV

Doctoral student at the IRTG 2235 unter the supervision

of Prof. Dr. Lars Diening

2017-2020 M.Sc. in Mathematics at University of Bonn
2014-2017 B.Sc. in Mathematics at University of Bonn

I study regularity properties of systems of partial differential equations.


I am most interested in systems where the equations are coupled. Such a couplings appear, e.g., if the systems has a nonlinearity like the p-Laplace system. An other way that systems are can be coupled is if only the symmetric part of the gradient appears instead of the full gradient. Such systems are studied in elasticity theory.


Recently, I also took interest in nonlocal nonlinear systems and their regularity properties.

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