Information on stays abroad while obtaining a doctorate in accordance with the Federal Statistics Law applying to Institutes of Higher Education (Hochschulstatistikgesetz) (German/English)
The Faculty of Mathematics offers a doctoral program in Mathematics (Promotionsstudiengang). In order to complete the program, doctoral students are required to gain 30 credit points in the following four categories:
A detailed description can be found on the website of the BGTS.
Doctoral students can choose from a number of lectures and seminars at Bielefeld University (see ekVV). Moreover, they can gain credit points for teaching tutorials, giving talks, for the participation in soft skill workshops and conferences, and for the organization of scientific events.
Doctoral students in the program commit themselves to a quality control measure after one year of the doctoral studies. The doctoral students and their supervisors agree on the form of this quality control (e.g., a talk in a seminar, an examination, a publication) which is fixed in the supervision agreement.
As soon as a doctoral student has found a supervisor and a topic has been fixed, the student and the supervisor conclude a supervison agreement (or supervision agreement for students enrolled in the doctoral program).
In general, the enrolment as doctoral student is possible at any time (in contrast to other degree programs). However, it is recommended to enrol as soon as possible at the beginning of the doctoral studies.
After completion of the doctoral thesis, doctoral students apply for the opening of the doctoral examination procedure (see document above).
2 Exception: In order to award the grade "summa cum laude", at least three reports are required. At least one of these reports needs to be authored by a referee who is not a member of Bielefeld University. In addition, all reports need to consistently grade the doctoral thesis with "summa cum laude".
After all reports have been submitted, there is a public inspection period of two weeks. After this period, the reports will be made available to the doctoral student for acknowledgement and to provide a statement if desired. The statement will be available for another two weeks of public inspection.
The doctoral student is obligated to make the doctoral thesis available to the scientific public. One way to do this is to provide copies and a digital version of the doctoral thesis to the university library.
After the thesis has been published, the doctoral student receives a doctoral degree certificate and a doctoral examination certificate. The degree certificate confirms the doctoral degree. The examination certificate includes the title of the doctoral thesis, the grade of the thesis, the grade of the defense and the overall grade.