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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Fakultät für Soziologie


06.11.2024 - Buchvorstellung des Arbeitsbereichs Soziologie der Transnationalisierung und Sozialanthropologie am 12. Dezember 2024

Wir möchten Sie zur Buchvorstellung des Arbeitsbereichs 6 (Soziologie der Transnationalisierung und Sozialanthropologie) am Donnerstag, den 12. Dezember 2024, ab 17 Uhr einladen.

We would like to invite you to the Research and Teaching Unit 6 (Sociology of Transnationalization and Social Anthropology) Book Launch on Thursday, 12th December 2024, starting at 5PM.

28.10.2024 - New Publication: Handbook on Migration and Development: A Counter-hegemonic Perspective

22.08.2024 - Special Issue Published: "Welfare in Crisis: Labor and Social Protection in the Global South"

A new special issue titled "Welfare in Crisis: Labor and Social Protection in the Global South" has been published in the Journal of Labor and Society (Brill). Edited by Jake Lin, Dennis Arnold, and Minh T.N. Nguyen, the issue includes contributions from Rebecca Prentice, Mahmudul H. Sumon, André Thiemann, Angie Ngọc Trần, Rano Turaeva, and Chioma Joyce Onukogu.

07.08.2024 - Talk: "Transnational Mobility, Kinship and Aspiration for the Good Life in Rural Central Vietnam"

On August 15th, Minh Nguyen gives a talk, titled "Transnational Mobility, Kinship and Aspiration for the Good Life in Rural Central Vietnam", at the National University of Singapore.

05.08.2024 - Reconfiguring Labour and Welfare in the Global South - Special Issue published

Global Social Policy has just published a new special issue edited by Minh T.N. Nguyen, Jingyu Mao and Helle Rydstrom titled "Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation". The issue features eight analyses (mostly ethnographic analyses) and three commentaries addressing a range of Global South contexts of labour and welfare restructuring:

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