Here you will find comprehensive information about our work, goals and projects. The aim of our website is to pass on information on topics relevant to gender equality to the members of the faculty of Sociology.
We appreciate your interest in the Equal Opportunities Commission and invite you to send us an email to if you have any questions, suggestions or proposals for improvement.
Sexualized discrimination and violence are prohibited at Bielefeld University (see Nevertheless, it can happen that people are sexually harassed, their dignity is violated by the actions of others, they are bullied because of their gender or even experience violence. Bielefeld University issued a guideline against sexualized discrimination and violence back in 2001, which is currently being updated.
What should you do if you have been harassed, discriminated against or experienced violence?
You may want to talk to someone first.
The decentralized Equal Opportunities Commission of the Faculty of Sociology can be a first point of contact. It offers a weekly consultation hour (Wednesdays 11:00-13:00, X C3-237), which is aimed at all status groups in the Faculty of Sociology. With this consultation hour and other activities, the 'GleiKo' is committed to promoting cooperation at our faculty in which no one is left alone with discrimination they have suffered!
Anyone who has experienced disadvantage or discrimination under the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) can contact the AGG Complaints Office at Bielefeld University. Students can contact the Office of Student Affairs.
The Faculty of Sociology understands the equality of women* and men* in all areas and status groups as one of its central development goals. It emphatically supports and sustainably implements the equality measures of Bielefeld University Equality is understood to mean that measures are taken to support equal opportunities and equal rights for the sexes. This can be achieved by reducing the structural disadvantages of women*, reducing inequality in the allocation of jobs and insuring a respectful conduct on all levels of staff.
The Equal Opportunities Commission is committed to the equal participation of all women* and men* at all levels of the faculty. Therefore we provide recommendations for actions, accompany appointment procedures and serve as a point of contact for all questions relating to equality, as well as for suggestions, complaints and the report of personal or structural experiences of discrimination.
A special topic for us is the implementation of gender-sensitive language. You can find more information here. In order to achieve gender equality in academia and in everyday life at the university, we have set up the project “Gender Equality in the everyday life at the faculty – a moderated dialogue”. We have been conducting the project in regular intervals since 2018. The aim is the exchange information and raise awareness of topics related to gender equality at the faculty. You can find further information here.
For all enquires, you can either contact the individual members directly or contact
If desired, appointments can also be made with the representative of the individual status groups. All requests will of course be treated confidentially.
Equal Opportunities Commission (student member)
Equal Opportunities Commission (deputy student member)
Brockhoff, Franziska Elisabeth
Equal Opportunities Commission (academic assistant)
Greschke, Heike,
Equal Opportunities Commission (faculty member)
Programme Coordination BLICKPUNKTE
Equal Opportunities Commission (member of the academic mid-level faculty)
Equal Opportunities Commission (non-scientific member)
Equal Opportunities Commission (non-scientific member)
Equal Opportunities Commission (deputy member of academic mid-level faculty)
In cooperation with the decentralised Equal Opportunities Commission of the faculty of Sociology, a counselling service has been set up for members of the faculty of Sociology in the event of discrimination on issues of equality. The goal of the counselling service is to ensure that people who feel discriminated in the everyday life of the university are heard and to find a solution in cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Commission. Discrimination is understood as every verbal or nonverbal behaviour that is offensive or humiliating with regard to gender and is understand as undesirable either in general or in the individual case.
We offer a regular consulting service for this purpose. Commission member Franziska Brockhoff will be available as a contact person on Wednesdays from 11 am to 1 pm in her office or by telephone. You are also welcomed to make alternative appointments by e-mail.
Language mirrors our social interactions. It determines our thinking and our consciousnesses. At the same time, it influences reality and our perception of it. Language is alive, which means that a change towards gender-sensitive language should be understood as a continuous development of today´s language use. Mutual respect can be established through language, by using language that is gender-sensitive. Unlike the use of the generic masculine, every person, and thus every gender, can be addressed. Accordingly, the use of gender-sensitive language makes all genders visible. The linguistic equality treatment of the sexes by means of gender-sensitive language is considered an essential prerequisite for gender equality.
There are many variants of how gender-sensitive language can be applied. The most prominent, apart from the Gender_Gap, is the Gender Asterisk*. With the help of the Gender Asterisk, the genders outside the binary gender system are also addressed. Here is an example of the use of gender-sensitive language: Wir, als Ansprechpartner*innen der Gleichstellungskommission, heißen jede*n auf unserer Seite willkommen. Wir begrüßen alle Professor*innen, Dozent*innen, Student*innen, Mitarbeiter*innen und Kolleg*innen sowie jede*n Interessent*in unserer Seite (We, as contact persons of the Equal Opportunities Commission, welcome everyone to our site. We welcome all professors, lecturers, students, staff and colleagues as well as anyone interested in our site).
Through the use of gender-sensitive language you can express acceptance and respect towards others and enable fair and non-discriminatory interactions. Although adopting a gender-sensitive language can initially seem difficult, it is always worthwhile, since it supports subjects relevant to equality such as tolerance, inclusion and diversity. You can find more information about it on the page of the Department of Communication at the University Bielefeld.
Since 2018, the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Faculty of Sociology (GleiKo) has regularly invited people to a moderated dialogue on equal opportunities practices in everyday faculty life. This idea arose against the background of our experiences in appointment committees. There, it becomes particularly clear that there is a wide range of ideas about what equality is or (should not) be and that it means different things for the individual professors at our faculty to orient their thinking and actions towards the constitutional goal of equality between women* and men*. Furthermore, we have the impression that the orientation of all faculty members towards equal opportunities is a necessary condition for its realisation. An Equal Opportunities Commission, however active it may be, can ultimately only be successful - despite its legal possibilities - with the participation of all actors in the faculty.
In this sense, gender equality in science is a collective task.
Here you can find the latest report of the project.
The Equal Opportunities Commission would like to reccomend external information services for gender equality and gender-sensitive topics. In addition to our counseling service, these organisations can help you with questions and concerns about gender relevant issues.
In addition to the consistent use of gender-sensitive language, the TIN handout can help lecturers to make online teaching more non-discriminatory for TIN staff, people. This handout was developed by students of the Faculty of Sociology and is now also used by others. For example, it recommends addressing students by their first and last name to avoid the gender-specific form of address Mr/Mrs. Students should also be encouraged to use their preferred pronouns in order to address staff, people correctly in the history of the seminar. In addition to the German version, there is also an English version.
In May 2024, Bielefeld University also published an updated version of the handout for teaching staff, instructors, lecturers on TIN* discrimination-sensitive teaching.
A jour fixe for teaching staff, instructors, lecturers on TIN*-sensitive teaching took place on 29 May 2024. The slides from the event can be viewed here .
In the university context, teaching is characterised by the relationship between students and their teacher. Content is communicated and developed jointly in the context of lectures or seminars. Therefor, the sensitive handling of teaching content is particularly important. The formulation of content warnings is essential for this.
The commission of Student Affairs of LaKof NRW has developed a handout on content warnings in courses for this purpose.
On the one hand, they want to give students the opportunity to be able to put themselves in a potentially psychologically difficult situation on their own responsibilty. On the other hand, they would like to sensitise teachers to the issues surrounding sexualised discrimination and violence as well as those affected.
The handout can be found here. It is also available in English.
When hiring employees, the ID card name is usually used in the Identity Management System (IDM). Now it is possible to use a different name - the call name - in the IT systems. For a general change of first name, which is also recorded in the ID card, the only way is still via the Name Change Act.
However, employees cannot change their first name themselves in the PEVZ. To do this, they must contact the colleagues who are responsible for PEVZ maintenance in the respective area. You can find the colleagues responsible by clicking on the link "Contacts for correction requests" on the right. Students can change their call name themselves in the PRISMA portal.
You can find detailed instructions on how to change your call name here.
Due to the further development of the work area of university secretariats, the classic job description of secretaries has long ceased to apply. Rather, from today's perspective, we can speak of complex science management in relation to secretariats. University secretaries are the first point of contact for support, management and coordination. They are thus considered indispensable for the smooth running of academic business operations.
The problem: Increasing time pressure and work compression lead to a neglect of the management of one's own professional image. With the help of FairNetzt_Bielefeld!, the work of the secretaries will be made visible and the solidarity of the university secretariats strengthened.
If you would like to support the network, you can find more information on the website of FairNetzt_Bielefeld!.
Bielefeld University, in cooperation with the Frauenennotruf Bielefeld e.V., has been offering counselling in cases of sexualised discrimination and violence for 20 years. The counselling is for all women* who work or study at the university and can be used anonymously.
Larah Horstkotte, an employee of the Frauenennotruf Bielefeld e.V., provides support and information on topics such as sexual harassment, sexism and stalking. The counselling is designed as independent initial counselling and does not initiate proceedings. As an external counselling centre, Frauennotruf Bielefeld e.V. works independently of university structures and hierarchies. The counselling is confidential.
You can reach Mrs Horstkotte:
Further information can be found on the page of the Gender Portal and the page of the Frauennotruf Bielefeld e.V.