The compatibility of studies and appointments with family is of outstanding importance to Bielefeld University: the term family encompasses all forms of private coexistence for project duration and generally means a lifelong generational bond characterised by the assumption of responsibility for one another. For this reason, the University pursues a family-conscious personnel policy and family-friendly study organisation as central tasks. It has been certified as a "family-friendly university" by berufundfamilieGmbH since 2006.
In addition to the further improvement of family-friendly framework conditions, increased efforts are being made to bring about a change in culture and awareness: People with family responsibilities are perceived as an enrichment and are supported by managers.
The family service is available as a contact point for all family-related concerns, offers comprehensive and confidential counselling for all status groups and implements target group-specific measures. The family portal provides an overview of topics relevant to compatibility, information materials and contact points. What is taken for granted today has been practised here since 2006: Bielefeld University was the first university in North Rhine-Westphalia to provide a daycare centre for employees' children with opening hours that are geared to the needs of the academic community. For the children of students, three childcare facilities are available in the immediate vicinity of the university.
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