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Internship office

Students at Campus X, Campus Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University

Internship office

Dear students of Sociology, Political Science, Social Sciences, Gender Studies and Political Communication,

these pages contain basic information about the preparation, registration and supervision of the internship, the internship report and the internship office. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please feel free to send us an e-mail. Or just drop by during the open office hours. You can find the times and contact addresses under Contact.

Foto: Markus Richter / Fakultät für Soziologie

The internship serves the active professionalization of the students, i.e. the improvement of your chances on the job market. It is intended to provide initial experience with the application of sociological, social scientific and political science knowledge in non-university professional fields. The internship can not only provide decisive impulses for the further course of your studies, it should above all offer the opportunity to try out possible future occupational fields, to get to know potential employers and to show what academics with their specific profiles can achieve in the most diverse fields of activity in society. 

In order to make the most of the opportunities offered by the internship, you should think about which fields of work and occupations interest you, which organizations you would like to get to know, and how you would like to integrate the internship into your studies. On the one hand, the semester break makes sense; other possible models are a part-time internship or a whole semester. In addition to the practical seminars, discussions with teachers and fellow students, reading professional journals, internet research (see Links and Literature) and a visit to the internship office can be helpful. We advise you in all phases of the internship.

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