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Informationen für neue Mitarbeiter*innen

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Fakultät für Soziologie


The entry of names and contact details in the Bielefeld University directory (BIS) is absolutely necessary for the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and is carried out and maintained by Barbara Terlinden( Changes and updates must be communicated. Link to the form.

The Faculty's IT Service has its office in X-D2-250 (Tel. 4314, They are the contact for all matters relating to IT, email and internet access (password) as well as the loan of multimedia devices and equipment for conducting and transcribing interviews.

Ann-Cathrin Kardinal-Schmidt and Nick Loose (Tel. -4207, are responsible for the internet presentation of the Faculty and its staff.

Applications and notifications

Applications should be submitted at least one week before the intended holiday / flex day / Christmas closure using the form by email Click on one of the keywords to access the corresponding form.

Please inform your working area first and then submit the original sick note to the secretary's office (Barbara Terlinden) in advance as a scan by email to and then by internal mail / post. As soon as you are healthy again, please also report this immediately to the Dean's Office by email.

Please use the following form (e.g. if a child falls ill) and submit it to Barbara Terlinden at the Dean's Office.

Please use the following form and submit it in duplicate to the Dean's Office.

Professors must display their business trips to the Dean of the Faculty. Lecturers in (einer Professorin/einem Professor zugeordnet: assistant to Prof. x) must have business trips authorised by the head of their working group. A corresponding form can be found under Administration - Department P/O - Documents - Travel Expenses.


The UniCard is also your library card. You can find information about the UniCard here.


University researchers can authorise up to three staff members (e.g. assistants or secretarial staff) to borrow media from the library on their behalf. You can find further information in the library's FAQ.

Printing and scanning

Information for printing and scanning in the university library can be found on the pages of the university library.

You can find the website of the Central Reproduction Centre here. You can contact the colleagues at the Central Reproduction Centre by email( To place a print order, please use the following form.


Keys for offices

Keys for offices are available from Ute Wenghöfer (X C2-236, Tel. 3815,

The secretary's office (X C2-234, Tel. 3824, is responsible for allocating the meeting rooms X-C2-228 and X-C3-107 and also issues the keys.

Examination office

Here you can find the website of theexamination office with the responsibilities. The regulations of the degree programmes can be found here.

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