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Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers

(ERC Project: No 803614)



Film screening event - Worlds of Labour:

from socialist China (1980s) to late-socialist Vietnam (2010s)

Jingyu Mao is hosting a film screening event titled: »Worlds of Labour: from socialist China (1980s) to late-socialist Vietnam (2010s)«

The documentaries »North China Factory« (1980) and »Nimble Fingers« (2017) will be shown. After that there will be a discussion with the director of Nimble Fingers, Parsifal Reparato. The event is hosted via Zoom and everybody is welcome to join. 

For more information klick here.

Symposium: New Directions in Anthropological and Sociological Research on Vietnam

Minh Nguyen will hold a symposium titled: »New Directions in Anthropological and Sociological Research on Vietnam« on October 13th 2022.

Two visiting Post-doctoral Fellowships in Social Anthropology

Deadline: 15. November 2022

Performing Migrants: Narratives, Strategies and Identities of Ethnic Minority Performers and Beggars in China

Dr. Jingyu Mao presented and discussed at Digital Workshop Series "Digital Dialogues 數字對話" #9".


Minh Nguyen is serving as a Steering Committee member of the 3rd UK-GERMAN FRONTIERS OF HUMANITIES SYMPOSIUM on 09 - 10 May 2022 (virtual conference). This year’s conference draws on the insights of the humanities and social sciences on the theme of ‘Mobilities’, exploring how mobilities have shaped, are shaping, and will shape our environments – both social and natural – and our interaction with them, through time. The symposium’s program can be downloaded here.

Panels at the 2022 European Association of Southeast Asian Studies conference in Paris

Minh Nguyen (Bielefeld University) and Nicolas Lainez (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) will convene the panel The Financialization of Everyday Life in Vietnam in the 2022 EUROSEAS Conference. Allison Truitt will be the panel discussant. Minh Nguyen and Minh Ngoc Luong from Bielefeld University will present their papers in this panel.

Phill Wilcox (Bielefeld University) and Simon Rowedder (Passau University) will convene the panel Negotiating China in Southeast Asia: (re)thinking development via infrastructure schemes in the 2022 EUROSEAS Conference.

Welfare Held in Suspension: How Factory Workers Participate in the Socialist Market Economy

Presentation at Roundtable

Yueran Tian has presented her paper "Welfare Held in Suspension: How Factory Workers Participate in the Socialist Market Economy" at the roundtable- Communicative Knowledge and Mobilisational Concepts: Taking "Suspension" as an Example on 15. Feb 2022.

The roundtable is organised by China and Global Development Network, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology


Friends are those who can help you out': unpacking the understandings and experiences of friendship among young migrant workers in China

Presentation at Workshop

From 13th to 15th January 2022, Dr Jingyu Mao has attended the workshop organised by the project 'Social Worlds: China's Cities as Spaces of Worldmaking' at Würzburg University. She presented a work-in-progress draft entitled "'Friends are those who can help you out': unpacking the understandings and experiences of friendship among young migrant workers in China", and has received constructive feedback on her draft. She also participated in lively discussions of other participants' papers, which share the common theme of the social world, urban spaces, and contemporary China.

Reconfiguring Labour and Welfare in Emerging Economies of the Global South

Midterm conference

Date: 7 – 8 December 2021

Convenors: Minh Nguyen (Bielefeld, GER), Jake Lin (Bielefeld, GER), Ngoc Minh Luong (Bielefeld, GER), Yueran Tian (Bielefeld, GER)

find more information here

Global Encounters: Nanjing-Hanoi-Bielefeld Exchange Forum

An exchange forum between sociology faculties of Nanjing University, Vietnam National University (Hanoi) and Bielefeld University on Tuesday, 19. January 2021 at 8am German time, 2pm Vietnam time, 3pm China time.

Interview with Professor Minh Nguyen in the European Research Council Magazine

An interview with Professor Minh Nguyen was published on 22nd of December.

In the interview she talks about the importance of mobility in research and about her current ERC project

Portfolios of Social Protection, Labour Mobility and the Rise of Life Insurance in Rural Central Vietnam

Prof. Minh Nguyen is holding a webinar on 13.Dec.2020 (15:00 Vietnam Time)

Please register in advance for this webinar

The webinar belongs to a long-term lecture series, which is organised by people in several global location. Please feel free to take part in the upcoming lectures

Call for Paper - Reconfiguring Labour and Welfare in the Global South

Please see attached the Call for Paper for an international workshop organised by the ERC-funded project WelfareStruggles of the Social Anthropology unit

Roundtable "Ethnographic Fieldwork in East Asia in Times of Covid-19"

Special issue: Beyond the state? The moral turn of development in South East Asia

Author: Annuska Derks and Minh T. N. Nguyen

Public Lecture at Lund University

Waste and Wealth: Gendered Labor, Value, and Morality in a Vietnamese Recycling Economy

Find more information here.

Panel at Conference:

Care and Privatisation in Marketizing Socialist Asia

22. Nov. 2019 Location: Vancouver CC WEST | Room 111 | West Level 1

Organizer: Minh Nguyen, Professor of Social Anthropology, Universität Bielefeld, Germany

Discussant: Ann Marie Leshkowich, College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts, USA

2019 Book Prize of the Society for the Anthropology of Work (AAA)

Professor Minh Nguyen’s book Waste and Wealth: An Ethnography of Labor, Value, and Morality in a Vietnamese Recycling Economy is the winner of the 2019 Book Prize of the Society for the Anthropology of Work, which is part of the American Anthropological Association.

Understanding Asia Seminar Series 2019/2020

15.10 Prof. Dr. Catherine Alexander

11.11 Prof. Dr. Mark Johnson

10.12 PD Dr. Antje Linkenbach-Fuchs

21.01 Dr. Martin Saxer

Chinese Politics and Labor Movements

Author: Jake Lin

Professor Minh Nguyen featured in DAAD's Research in Germany

Understanding Asia Seminar Series 2019

20.05 Dr. Czarina Saloma

03.06 Dr. Christina Schwenkel

17.06 Associate Professor Kelvin E.Y. Low

24.06 Dr. Dominik Müller

Panel at Conference- The Gender of Labor in Privatizing Vietnam

Conveners and Discussants:

Minh Nguyen, Professor of Social Anthropology, Universität Bielefeld, Germany

Ann Marie Leshkowich, College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts, USA

Southeast Asian Trajectories of Labour Mobility: Precarity, Translocality, and Resilience

Authors: Minh T.N. Nguyen and Oliver Tappe

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