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M.A. Political Science


Students at Campus X, Campus Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University

M.A. Political Science

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The Responsible Person at the Examinations Office for the M.A. Political Science is

Responsible Study Advisory Service Person

Course Coordinator

Information from the Student Advisory Service

The "Master's Programme in Political Science" teaches the ability to analyse political actors, structures and processes in a theory-based manner, especially also in their cross-border dynamics. It covers the subject in its breadth, whereby it is characterised by the inclusion of socio-theoretical and sociological perspectives. Focal points of the programme are:

For organisational reasons, courses in the module "World Politics" (30-M-PW-M4) can only be offered from the summer semester 2020.

The "Master's Programme in Political Science" primarily aims to impart academic research orientation and competence. Through interdisciplinary connections and the content-related focal points, it qualifies students for activities in academia, in (international) political organisations and organisations of the political public (NGOs), in journalism and public relations work as well as in political counselling (consulting) and scientific policy support (research institutes, lecturing in politics).

  • Political Theory and International Political Theory
  • Public Sphere, Media and Political Communication
  • Public Policy, Governance and Regulation
  • World Politics


An overview of the courses offered as part of the degree programme can be found here.

The degree programme can be taken up in the winter or summer semester. However, the courses offered are geared towards a start in the winter semester. Therefore, starting in the summer semester can lead to delays.

The standard period of study is 4 semesters. The M.A. Political Science programme comprises 120 credit points.

The admission requirement is proof of a successful first university degree in the subjects of political science, sociology, social sciences or a social science or humanities degree programme with comparable content. The required degree should comprise a standard period of study of at least 6 semesters as well as study elements amounting to 40 LP in three areas: 1) political or sociological theory; 2) methods of empirical social research; 3) analyses of political structures and processes. Sufficient language skills must be available to take courses in English and German.

A prerequisite for the study programme is the successful participation in an application procedure, in which it is determined who is suitable for the study programme and is granted access. Within the framework of this procedure, it is checked whether a first university degree qualifying for the Master's programme is available. This must be proven by means of the degree certificate and the associated documents (transcript of records, diploma supplement or similar). The extent to which further admission requirements exist or the submission of further documents is planned (language requirements, paper with statements on qualification, exposé, project drafts, etc.) can be found in the current subject-specific regulations of the degree programme on the website of Bielefeld University. There you will also find regulations on how the individual criteria are evaluated and weighted.

This degree programme is admission-restricted (local NC). For the distribution of study places (admission procedure), the overall result of the above-mentioned admission procedure is generally used and a corresponding ranking is created. In exceptional cases, further criteria are taken into account. Information on the structure of the admission procedure can also be found in the subject-specific regulations.

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