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Students at Campus X, Campus Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University

MA Gender Studies


The internship serves as an exemplary application of theoretical and methodical course contents in professional practice.


The internship should be completed by students from the 2nd semester of study at the earliest.

Scope and location

The internship consists of 210 hours and can take place in an organization that deals with issues related to gender and gender relations or in an institution where the intern is working on a gender-relevant topic. However, the intern's feedback or the development of a concrete proposal can also sensitize the institution with regard to gender and gender relations. Gender knowledge is thus transferred into practice. According to the study regulations, the following occupational fields relevant to the course are possible: science/research, education/further education, public administration, private sector, health/public health, sports, politics, non-governmental organizations.

Internship search

Finding suitable internships and initiating contact are part of the internship-related requirements for students. However, the Sociology Department's Internship Office is happy to assist in this process. It advises and supports students in all questions concerning the organization of the internship. In addition, students are advised by the lecturers of the faculties involved in the program who are authorized to conduct examinations on the choice of an internship. The institutions/companies in which internships have been completed to date can be found in this list.

Finding a mentor

The internship is supervised by a faculty member who is involved in the study program and is selected by the students. The supervision of the internship by the mentor includes, in addition to the agreement on tasks to be carried out in the internship facility after consultation with the latter, and a final discussion, especially the supervision in the preparation of the internship report.

Accompanying seminar

In addition, students must attend a seminar in this module, which is offered every winter semester. Because we can only offer this seminar once per academic year due to capacity constraints, some students will attend this seminar before their internship, others during, and still others after their internship. If students can arrange it, it makes sense to attend the seminar in parallel. In the seminar, the use of analytical tools and the testing of action skills are accompanied by a teacher involved in the course. The students reflect on their practical experiences in a collegial peer group and present the results of their internship during the course.


The Prüfungsleistung consists of a non-graded internship report (20-25 pages), which reflects on the practical experience against the background of theoretical concepts and is read by the mentor. The internship report serves to reflect on the experience gained and to relate it to the knowledge acquired during the course of study. The documents listed below are part of the report.


The following documents must be submitted to the Faculty Internship Office as proof of the internship:

  1. A certificate from the employing institution stating the date of the internship, the duration, and the nature of the activities performed.
  2. The Praktikumsschein signed by the mentor
  3. A consent form making the internship report available to other students for career guidance purposes
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